referring multiple GameObjects to SetActive(true) onTrigger

Hi im very new to Unity and C#. My terminology might not be on lock. I have a question that i think is pretty simple. This has probably been asked a million times, but i cant seem to find one that matches exactly what im trying to do. Im trying to make multiple GameObjects appear when my Player enter a Trigger. Right now im referring to each GameObject individually in my script 'cause i cant figure out how to use GameObject and .FindGameObjectsWithTag. My script works for the first gameobject named floating1 and in that way i know if i duplicated the lines and just changed the name to match the objects i would have something that works, i think. I could also make individual scripts for each object and that would work too, if i somehow could refer to the same trigger on the parent.

But isnt there a smarter way to do this?
Here is the code:

i ended up, base in you question.

public GameObject f1;
    public GameObject f2;
    public GameObject f3;
    public GameObject f4;

    private GameObject[] foundObjects;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (foundObjects.Length == 0)
            foundObjects = [];

        foundObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("cubesPulse");

        foreach (GameObject obj in foundObjects)
            //every gameobject in scene with tag "cubesPulse"


    private void onTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.Comparetag("Player"))
            foreach (GameObject obj in foundObjects)
                //every gameobject in scene with tag "cubesPulse"

Put all your gameObjects in a GameObject array like this:

public GameObject[] floatingObjects;

and when you want to access all GameObjects use a loop like this:

for (int i = 0; i < floatingObjects.Length; i++)
