Reflection cube map has ugly borders on iOS

In the editor this issue doesn’t occur, but when I run on iPhone I can clearly see reflection cube map borders.
And it’s very noticeable that cube map is “following” player.

I am using only standard shaders and baked directional specularity light maps.
Issue appears on both OpenGLES3 and Metal

This is due to the mipmapping of your reflection cubemap

It looks like that, but I do not see any options how to disable mipmapping for baked reflection probe cube maps…
only options I see are these:
2097271--137267--Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 11.02.03 am.png
Am I looking in the wrong place?

Set the texture type to advanced => Untick the Generate Mip Maps option => Apply => Set the texture type to Cubemap.
It’s a bit weired… But it works !

Did it work for you ?

Hey sorry for late reply. It was quite insane week.
And thank you for the workaround.

good news is that this issue seems to be resolved in 5.0.2p1