I would say this isn’t expected behavior. And i’m not sure how it can be fixed.
For this scene I use an anchor point so that reflections look correct based on the scene. But the new behavior is strange?
I under stand there’s something of a proximity blend going on, but perhaps the way that works should be reconsidered a bit?
Here I move the anchor in an attempt to change what reflection probe is used on this glass. Instead I get no reflection. I assume normally it would use a fall back reflection of the skybox but I turned that off as it’s highly undesirable for indoor scenes.
But once i move the objects into the proximity of the reflection probe, it starts to blend in.
The way this is behaving it practically makes using anchors useless. There should be some manner of override for this kind of thing even if it reduces the utility of the way it normally blends which i guess is more per pixel or something.
It’s critical anchor points work more properly. As demonstrated here in the recent game Lost Judgement, which uses it’s character as the anchor point when rendering the windows on the door. unfortunately there’s no blending here, but honestly even the instant switch is preferable to the above function.
This is on v2021.2.0b10