Reflection Probe - Best Practices

In a town scene, what’s the best practice size for a reflection probe to be? Should it encompass the whole scene, or one per street, or something else?

No, you should place them regularly, depending on the size and detail of your scene every 10 to 50 meters. If that, for some reason, is not an option for your project, consider baking a reflection probe that will have a representative look of most of your scene and have a few reflection probes on unique locations or places where the general reflection map would look odd (if most of your sccene is very dark, you’d want a dark default reflection map, which would look weird in a brightly lit square, for example).

Interesting info, thanks Christoph_r.

The town will have a day/night cycle, which begs the question; how often to reflection probes update, and what sort of load does that incur (especially if there’s a lot of them and they all update at the same time)?