I was running my project game at first with 80 fps then i decided to try the reflection probes with my ground . It dropped the fps a little bit , but that was ok .
It didn’t looks cool and the reflective objects was moving , that’s why i have made the refresh mode of the reflection probe = “Every Frame” instead of “On Awake” and the “SlicingTime” = "No time slicing’’ instead of “All Faces At Once” cause the reflective objects was shaking on the ground . After i did that , the fps dropped down to 18 .
Anyone can help me with that , cause i want the reflection looks cool without big fps drop ?
Just lower the resolution of the reflection.
Reflection probes cause a lot of lag no matter what. Try to make your level so that you don’t have too many reflection probes.
A reflection probe is an array with 6 cameras which render your scene from 6 directions (up, left, right, down, front and back) and then assemble this into a cubemap. When you set it to render every frame and set it to no time slicing you’re rendering your game 7 times per frame. 6 times from the reflection probe and 1 time from your game camera.
Obviously this causes a massive slowdown. It’s probably the single most expensive thing you can do. When you say you have 2 probes, well you can do the math.
They are not meant for perfect realtime reflections. Look into screen space reflections instead. If you want some approximate realtime reflections from reflection probes without a massive performance impact enable time slicing and set the resolution for the probes really low.