Reflection Probe refleflects the world with inverted ormals


I’am using Unity 2017.3.0 to create an indoor environment, and I get a strange issue with my reflection probes:

A part of what the reflection probes reflect is rendered with inverted normals. It happens with all probe
and it does not seem to be specific to a world location as the clipped part of the environment changes when I move th probes.

Any Idea ?

lock this Unity - Manual: Using Reflection Probes
if nedd berter Reflection dawnload this Magic Mirror Lite - Reflection for Unity | Particles/Effects | Unity Asset Store

I figured out that a glass material in the scene was at the origin of the problem. Removing it from the scene fixed it.

What’s Strange is that I have another material using the same custom shader wich does not seems to cause any problem…

I have the same problem. Normals are reversed in the reflection probes.