Reflection probes stop affecting parent moving game object when outside influence box size

Reflection probes are set to realtime and refresh on enable. Probes are a child of a moving object. When object has moved further than the box size of the probe, the probe stops affecting the object.

Unity 2019.3.0f3 and HDRP 7.2.0 (same issue on earlier Unity 2019.3 and HDRP versions)

HDRP 7.2.0?
Is it in Package manager yet?


I have the same issue as @olavrv
Same conditions. Same problem but in HDRP 7.1.8

Any ideas or is this a bug?

It will be fixed in 7.2

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Ok thanks for the response!
Is there a link to a thread or bug tracker with this?

This is the same issue.

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