Reflections appear on the model (.stmat)

When I load a model (.stmat) into Maya and render it with Arnold, light is reflected onto the model and I would like to know how to prevent the reflected light.


The Maya plugin we provide adds a number of different importers. Be sure when you import to use the “SpeedTree for Arnold” file type. This will load the mesh and then fix up the materials specifically for Arnold to best match what you see in the SpeedTree Modeler. Using one of the other types might make materials that are sub-par in Arnold.

But if you are doing that and still seeing excess specular reflections, you might need to adjust your material or lighting properties. Your SpeedTree materials might be too glossy, or your lighting environment may be set up in such a way as to cause these reflections off the tree.

How do I adjust the gloss of a SpeedTree material?

Hi @Masa0259,

Within the SpeedTree Modeler, you can adjust the gloss of your materials in the Material tab:

Although we have changed the brightness and contrast values, the bark material remains shiny.

On a side note, I use Arnold in Maya.