Refresh Asset Database

every time i load this project:

any fix besides turning off the cache server?

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We’re seeing the same issue across multiple PCs on our team - does disabling the Cache Server / Accelerator really help?

Something we also noticed is that the shader cache seems to grow indefinitely - at least when the Editor is set to Android platform:


Deleting this file seems to improve the project start-up times a lot (at the cost of the next build taking a lot longer).

Shader caching shouldn’t do that. You need to report a bug or it’ll never get attention.

Having Accelerator (the server) slows down project opening a lot. You reminds me that I don’t even need it since local caching is now default.

This seems to have been fixed recently (we’re on 2020.2.5f1 now).

Accelerator is still useful even when used only locally when working on multiple platforms. Our project is very texture-intensive, and not having to reimport them all every time makes a huge difference.

cool, I’ll move the project over.

maybe I misunderstood what the unity guys said… they explained that this behavior is default and that accelerator is only useful for team work when a central accelerator server serves multiple users. Have you tried with accell off?

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