Could you respond to Request #853473 about the refund of the advertising budget?
Thank you
Could you respond to Request #853473 about the refund of the advertising budget?
Thank you
Have refund your budget?
I have the same issue. I have been ignored about my refund requests from various channels for last 5 months.
For reference:
Your colleague was saying something different in other thread.
Unity_Quinn said: ↑
Hi @arianhassani79 , thank you for your interest in Unity Ads!
3. In case I deposit the $1k into the dashboard and I spend like $100 of it, will I be able to withdraw the remaining amount?
Yes. Provided you do not violate any of our terms of service you will be able to receive a refund of the remaining amount. Please open a ticket with us by contacting unityads-support@unity3d.com to initiate a refund request.
Hi @astttt ,
Apologies for the confusion.
The current policy is what @JasmineS_Unity has shared. We are not currently refunding prepaid funds.
It is too much. I have read your post and understood as such. Why you did not modify that here? Why at least you have not noticed that important change when depositing. If I had known that rule, I would have not tried Unity ads.
Are you sure that stealth implementation of terms that are detrimental to customers and ignoring of inquires are the culture of Unity?
I would like to still require the refund, at least anyone should reply to the emails and tickets.
Unity seems to have stealthly changed the terms so that they can take all the money.