Regarding multiple users working on a project at once

Let’s day that there are two individuals actively working on separate tasks: One is doing level design and the other is linking objects to behaviors. Can two people work in the Unity environment at once, or do they have to take turns?

Also, is there a multi-user discount pricing system?

Like almost every other software-license in the world, we ask that one copy of Unity only run on one computer at a time. Of course you can install Unity on a couple of computers, just as long as they’re not used at the same time.

We don’t currently enforce it, and I know it’s tempting. But we need to make a living.

We do offer a bulk rebate, but you’d have to get more than 2-3 licenses to get it.



Perhaps he’s also asking about collaboration features?

I’m kind of wondering what the timeframe for those features is.


I’m sorry, perhaps my question wasn’t phrased properly. I’m not concerned with the cost or license aspects of the app, I’m wondering about the capabilities of two or three users working on a project inside Unity at the same time. Is this possible? Or does the work-flow of the app require the team-mates to work in silos on their own machines?

O sorry Gatti, I mixed your two questions together, furrowed my brow and made a silly-serious answer.

You can use Import/Export Package to share files. Check out this mini-howto:

No need to be sorry… Believe me, after three years of working on El Ballo I truly understand the feeling of not wanting my app to be improperly used or stolen.

By the way, thanks for link.

Aarku: re. the advanced collaboration system. The timeframe isn’t certain.

Our PC stuff is most important right now. I originally developed the collaboration system we used for GooBall. While it was a huge help for us (and we still use it on a smaller scale for demo assets), it’s nowhere near release-quality. And I’m too busy to put any serious effort into it right now.

We’ll announce it when we know.

What about setting up an Subversion repository and sticking the whole project folder in that? Would that work or explode? :slight_smile:


As I discovered when working on building my own engine (before giving up and licensing Unity) We used Subversion, and it has some issues with mac os x specific stuff… it sprinkles .svn directories all throughout packages (since they’re just directories) and I believe we discovered that that was a problem for .framework files. I guess just trial-and-error with a repository will tell. I can give it a try this afternoon and post back with my results. SVN shoudl be good at doing all the “assets” type things, since it does a binary diff on all those files on commit.

In addition, from this thread, do I understand that it is OK to install Unity on both my desktop computer as well as my laptop, so long as it is never being “used” on both computers at once? (I really like working from the living room sometimes, but those TiBooks get REAL hot in the summer, so the desktop is a nice change of pace)

SVN will almost certainly not work for you. Almost all assets in Unity get two file: the ‘real’ file you work on (.psd, .mb, …) and a metadata file store inside the library which contains its settings.

So SVN (and as we tried once too, CVS) fails.

If you are really clever you could possibly hack up something, but the easiest solution is to use packages as described in the howto above.


Ps. I’d say you can use Unity on two computers at once as long as the same person is doing it. That feels fair anyway :slight_smile:

I didn’t have trouble with frameworks, but as for the .svn directories I usually just use a post build script to recursively go and remove all of those on distribution type builds.


Shucks. I was thinking I’d just have to commit the altered/new metadata files too? Okay that is starting to sound sloppy.

The package thing works I guess but it is starting to get tricky as the project size inflates. “What do I need to package up this time? Oh whoops forgot something… let me retry…”


.frameworks are Mac OS X’s own special flavor of Windows-style “DLL Hell.” Take a look in one of your Libraries/Frameworks folders. I won’t rant about them here. We had a LOT of major pains with subversion early on, I’ll give it a go anyway and see if I can’t work out any sort of useable system despite the gotchas.

Gracias! I’ve been worried about this ever since I finished the registration process on my desktop :slight_smile: Been worried I wouldn’t be able to watch TV and work anymore

When you say “library” do you mean… one of the system libraries? Or a Unity project library?

The Library folder inside the project folder… You’ll see a lot of numbered files in there.


Unity Project libarary…

Sorry, I certainly knew what frameworks were… I got thrown off by the “.framework files” bit (they’re directories) and multiply that by number of hours I’ve been up… and well, you know. The wonderful people at iDevGames would be able to help sort out your SVN problems… many of us use it… but it’s a bit off topic so I’ll leave it be here.

The library folder he’s talking about is the one in your Unity project folder… next to Temp and Assets.


Is there any more word on this?