Regarding Package Obfuscation Errors

I am developing an Android app using Unity.
After upgrading the editor from version 2021.3.28f1 to 6000.34f1 and building the app, it started crashing when running on a device.

I haven’t applied any obfuscation settings to the package, but during the crash, the error message 'Abort message: ‘Could not find SDK Java classes, make sure not to obfuscate the “com.wikitude” package.’ is output.

Things I have tried:
I unchecked “Release” and “Debug” under “Player Settings” → “Publishing Settings” → “Minify”.
I also added -keep class com.wikitude.** { *; } to proguard-user.txt.

What else should I try?
Thank you in advance.

I would like to add the following:

In addition to the Android app, we are also developing for iOS and UWP.
This issue has not occurred on iOS or UWP.

I would appreciate any advice you can provide.

Thank you.