Regression: Shader/VFX Graph Dropdown button non-clickable

When in the graph itself trying to use the drop down settings to access configurations such as Arc Circle, or position, etc, the arrow shows feedback that it was clicked, but changes nothing on screen. Similarly when clicking on the button to collapse the ports, same occurrence happens requiring you to go through the right click menu to collapse a node. This happens in both VFX and shader graph thus far.

Unity Version: 2020.2.0a16
HDRP Version: 9.0.0-preview.33

Update: Holding shift allows the use (seemingly) of the dropdown buttons; this is not intuitive and likely is a mistake?

Hi !

Thanks for reporting this issue, we have indeed reproduced this problem.

We actually even identified the root change causing this regression : it’s related to the Unity version (introduced with 2020.2.0a16, 2020.2.0a15 is fine), click event are sent twice which leads to an immediate collapse after the un-collapse. Several UI components are affected : world/local button in graph windows, the cogwheel settings in some node and expandable slot (as you described).

You can track this ticket, we are going to fix it as soon as possible.

Note : The Shift + Click workaround only works for expanding input field, Ctrl (or Cmd) + Click is a more general way to avoid this issue.