regression: VS autocomplete doesn't validate on enter unless up or down key are pressed (beta 5)

one in a long string of regressions in the interaction with the code editor, note that any time I go back to monodevelop is like abreath of fresh air because autocomplete just works
case filed under 996279

Why would you expect that it would auto-complete that?

“q” doesn’t seem to match any of the members, so it makes sense to me to use up/down to actually choose what to autocomplete, versus Visual Studio auto-completing something that doesn’t match or make sense.

because the first entry is highlighted

The soft selection seems to cause confusion across newer Visual Studio users. If you narrow down the selection by providing a word that matches a member, it changes the soft selection (wireframe rectangle) to an actual selection (solid rectangle), indicating auto-complete is ready.

I believe the soft selection is just an indicator to provide feedback that the list responds to certain input.

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