Relate classes of different assemblies

The issue is the following:
basically i have class A in, for now c#assembly but potentially, assembly A that needs to know stuff about class B in assebmly B. However class B ALSO needs to know stuff from class A.
So if relating them in that way would lead in an error for circular relation, how do i manage class A to get the data it needs from class B but maintaining the class B relation with class A.

If you don’t get the idea, let me try showing some code to show you what i’d like to do.
Here’s the code of one class:

using UnityEngine;

public class QualityCheckManager : MonoBehaviour
    QualityCheckScript qualityScript;

    private void Start()
        if (gameObject.GetComponent<QualityCheckScript>() == null)
        qualityScript = gameObject.GetComponent<QualityCheckScript>();
    private void SetQualityCheck(bool state)
        qualityScript.enabled = state;

Basically here i need to know the “QualityCheckScript” class to deactivate and reactivate it when i need.

This method needs to be called in the following class.

This class is situated in Assembly B.
So in order to work i need to put the manager in an assembly A and relate it to the assembly B, but in order to make manager work i need the “checkScript” to be in the Assembly A, but this script needs to know stuff from a class in assembly B so i need to relate assembly B to A creating a circular hell…

I’m probably doing something wrong, so please reply with some solutinons, because i really can’t find a guide that really explains this in a good way. Thank you.