Relative GUI positioning and Pixel Inset/Offset conversion

I’m trying to position GUI like on the picture below.

alt text

Basically, I need each element to be next to the one above it regardless of screen resolution and the top element (GUIText saying “Jumps Left: 3”) at a fixed distance from Screen.height / 2.0.

The reason I can’t figure it out is that GUIText has different properties than GUITexture. Namely, it has Pixel Offset whereas GUITexture has Pixel Inset. What’s the difference between the two and is there a way to convert one into the other?

Can you not just make everything relative to the Rect before it?

For example:

void Update ()
    rect1 = new Rect (Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2,25,25);
    rect2 = new Rect (rect1.x + rect1.Width, 0, 25,25); //This puts the rect beside the first one always
    rect3 = new Rect (rect2.x, rect2.y+rect2.height, 25,25); //This will put rect3 right below rect 2 and still relative to rect 1 as well as rect 2 and so on


I am having problems like this. I have not finished my problems with Screen.height yet, but you can find what you need to learn in Unity’s GUI Scripting Guide, specially in Layout Models section