relative velocity and more

First of all I have to say that it is a dream come true working with the wonderful piece of software that is UNITY.

I am having some trouble figuring a lot of things out though.
I guess i have two phraseable questions right now

1: how do i figure out if my vehicle is moving forward “in its own coordinate space” the rigidbody,velocity vector gives the velocity in world space.

2: attached to the same gameobject i have a particle system that i want
to control depending on the speed of the gameobject.
how do i find the particle system so that i can reference it in my script?
what i have done is to expose it as a variable and set it in the inspector, this works, but what is the recommended way to get a reference to the particlesystem thru scripting?


1: transform.InverseTransformDirection is your friend.

2: GetComponent(ParticleEmitter) , GetComponent(ParticleAnimator), or GetComponent(ParticleRenderer) depending on which part of the particle system you need to manipulate. (*)

If you are accessing the particle system often, it’s probably a good idea to call GetComponent inside Start() and store the result in a private variable.

*) The GetComponent syntax shown is the JavaScript syntax. In C# it’s GetComponent( typeof(ParticleEmitter) )

for 1, a better solution would be to take the dot product of the velocity vector and your object’s forward vector.


if the value is greater than 0, its moving forward in some sense.

EDIT to clarify:
the dot product of a non normalized vector with a normalized vector gives the projection of that vector onto that direction. The value is the magnitude of the velocity in the direction of the objects local forward vector.