I would like to find a way to (intentionally) trigger that popup I attached starting the Hub.
Our project is quit code intensive and many Editor crashes occur, it is difficult to narrow down why. The problem is not that Unity crashes but that an Editor (re)start from the Hub (every now and then) says, that an instance is already running (even after waiting). Now, closing the Hup and reopening it often ends up staying at that Hub loading screen and never reaching the project-list view. At that point one can restart the computer, or start killing processes to get the Hub to start which at some point triggers that (attached) popup. After that, everything works fine again.
The project has a Temp folder in which you will find a file named “UnityLockFile” (or quite similar). Delete that file and you can reopen the project.
If the file is not deletable most likely the editor process is still lingering and holding a lock on that file. In that case you can’t do much other than restarting the system.
M1 suffer from various stability issues with Unity, there are numerous complaints. Perhaps if you search specifically for your crash (see editor.log) and M1 you may find some tips.