Relay integrations not working?

Hi there,

I’ve had an in-depth look at both the Boss-Room and Game-Lobby-Sample example projects, however, I still can’t figure out why relay integrations won’t work for me?

Is there any other setup required, other than what is specified in the documentation, for relay integrations to work?

Here are my Join and Create methods:

public async void Join(string lobbyId, string password = "")
        // Authenticate
        await Authenticate();

        // Join Lobby
        LobbyPlayer player = new LobbyPlayer(AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId);
        JoinLobbyByIdOptions options = new JoinLobbyByIdOptions()
            Player = player
        Lobby lobby =  = await LobbyHelper.Instance.JoinLobbyByIdAsync(lobbyId, options);

        // Join Relay
        string joinCode = lobby.Data["joinCode"].Value;
        JoinAllocation join = await Relay.Instance.JoinAllocationAsync(joinCode);
        await Lobbies.Instance.UpdatePlayerAsync(lobby.Id, player.Id, new UpdatePlayerOptions()
            AllocationId = join.AllocationId.ToString(),
            ConnectionInfo = joinCode
        relayTransport.SetClientRelayData(join.RelayServer.IpV4, (ushort)join.RelayServer.Port, join.AllocationIdBytes, join.Key, join.ConnectionData, join.HostConnectionData, true);

        // Start Client
    catch (Exception e)
public async void Create()
        // Authenticate
        await Authenticate();


        // Allocate Relay
        Allocation allocation = await Relay.Instance.CreateAllocationAsync(maxPlayers);
        relayTransport.SetHostRelayData(allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, (ushort)allocation.RelayServer.Port, allocation.AllocationIdBytes, allocation.Key, allocation.ConnectionData, true);

        // Generate Join Code
        string joinCode = await Relay.Instance.GetJoinCodeAsync(allocation.AllocationId);

        // Create Lobby
        CreateLobbyOptions options = new CreateLobbyOptions()
            IsPrivate = isPrivate,
            Data = new Dictionary<string, DataObject>()
                { "joinCode", new DataObject(DataObject.VisibilityOptions.Public, joinCode) },
            Player = new LobbyPlayer(AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId, joinCode, null, allocation.AllocationId.ToString())
        Lobby lobby = await LobbyHelper.Instance.CreateLobbyAsync(worldNameInputField.text, maxPlayers, options);

        // Start Host
    catch (Exception e)

Thank you in advance!

Hi Daniel!

When you say it doesn’t work – what type of error/feedback are you getting? (if any)


Hi Francois! There are no error messages – the player simply stays as a “ghost” in the lobby after having disconnected from the game. The expected behaviour would be that they should be automatically removed from the lobby after having disconnected from the relay server (which is stated as the purpose of lobby-relay integrations in the documentation).

I am using Unity 2020.3.22f1 (LTS), Netcode 1.0.0-pre.7, Relay 1.0.1-pre.6 and Lobby 1.0.0-pre.6.

Should also mention that I’m using ParrelSync for testing, but actual builds also have the issue.

FYI: This has since been fixed, but we forgot to come back and notify the thread. Let us know if you’re still running into problems with this.

what has been fixed? what was the issue?

Sorry Recon, didn’t see this post:

The problem was that when you disconnected from a Relay, we were dropping some disconnect notifications so the player never auto-left the Lobby they were in.

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