The Input Team would like to announce that Input System 1.11.0 has been released.
The version is available through the package manager in:
Or alternatively you can add it into your project’s packages/manifest.json file by package name - “com.unity.inputsystem”: “1.11.0”
This version focuses on the various bug fixes as well as the addition of Android’s Hinge angle sensor.
For more details about all the improvements and fixes in the package please see the package changelog.
Hey again, seems like a small UI issue sneaked in.
We’ve fixed it here already but it won’t be easily available until the next version comes out. So if you’re getting these errors and want to use this version you can add the fix manually to your local package.
To grab the package locally you’d have to pull the stable repository from here and copy and paste com.unity.inputsystem folder into your project’s packages folder. Once done you should be able to edit it freely.
The patch 1.11.1 version released today, addressing the mentioned UI regression as well as fixing some other bugs. As always you can read more in our changelog.
UPDATE: Looks like 1.11.1 fixes the issue.
→ maybe ship the 1.11.1 with next release ?
Hi, since updating to 2022.3.48 (from 3.47) (The version which updates from 1.10 to 1.11 the Input System )
I get some errors in the EventSystem scene object. Tried to figure it out but ot no avail.
Here are some infos:
From what I checked 2022.3.47 is using Input System: 1.7.0. so jumping from it to 1.11.0
Im using both old and new input system at the same time.
Here is the exception stack:
[Exception] MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'GameObject' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it.
Your script should either check if it is null or you should not destroy the object.
InputSystemUIInputModule.ProcessPointerMovement() at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.inputsystem@1.11.0/InputSystem/Plugins/UI/InputSystemUIInputModule.cs:476
475: // now issue the enter call up to but not including the common root
--> 476: Transform oldPointerEnter = eventData.pointerEnter?.transform;
477: eventData.pointerEnter = currentPointerTarget;
478: if (currentPointerTarget != null)
InputSystemUIInputModule.ProcessPointerMovement() at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.inputsystem@1.11.0/InputSystem/Plugins/UI/InputSystemUIInputModule.cs:402
400: : eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;
--> 402: ProcessPointerMovement(eventData, currentPointerTarget);
403: }
InputSystemUIInputModule.ProcessPointer() at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.inputsystem@1.11.0/InputSystem/Plugins/UI/InputSystemUIInputModule.cs:352
350: // Unlike StandaloneInputModule, we process moves before processing buttons. This way
351: // UI elements get pointer enters/exits before they get button ups/downs and clicks.
--> 352: ProcessPointerMovement(ref state, eventData);
354: // We always need to process move-related events in order to get PointerEnter and Exit events
InputSystemUIInputModule.Process() at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.inputsystem@1.11.0/InputSystem/Plugins/UI/InputSystemUIInputModule.cs:2257
2255: ref var state = ref GetPointerStateForIndex(i);
-->2257: ProcessPointer(ref state);
2259: // If it's a touch and the touch has ended, release the pointer state.
EventSystem.Update() at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ugui@1.0.0/Runtime/EventSystem/EventSystem.cs:530
529: if (!changedModule && m_CurrentInputModule != null)
--> 530: m_CurrentInputModule.Process();
Tried disabling as much stuff as possible and removing tools.
Also happens at runtime.