December 13, 2014, 9:43am
Hi there! I glad to show you my first plugin in the asset store- PSD to uGUI plugin .
Main feathers:
you can choose to create the sprite atlas or to create sprite folder
automatically added 4 states of button- normal, disable pressed and highlight to one object.
you can choose the layers, you need to convert to uGUI.
You can watch the video tutorial for this plugin here:
I’ll be glad to answer your questions or critics.
Update Notes:
Added:Import text layers to Unity uGUI Text object.
Added: Buttons Select All/Select none psd layers
Fixed: Some bugs
new video tutorial
Does this support layer groups and layer comps? An element would usually consist of more than one layer, so exporting single layers only would not be so useful for me.
November 14, 2017, 10:22am
Yes, this plugin support layer groups and layer comps.