[Released] 2D Layer highlighter tool

Requires Unity 4.3 or higher

This editor tool will help you visualize the 2D rendering layers better than ever before. An icon is shown next to all objects in the scene which have a sprite renderer component attached to them. The icon changes according to layer chosen and the ‘order in layer’ is also visible on the icon.

The icons and text colour can be customized through an editor window.


  • Show an icon in the hierarchy wherever you have a sprite renderer
  • Show layer order number in the hierarchy wherever you have a sprite renderer
  • 7 preset icons for the most common layers
  • Customize icons through an editor window
  • Customize order number font colour through editor window

In version 1.3, Shuriken VFX particle systems can be sorted similar to any sprite renderer, that is by choosing the sorting layer and sorting order number. (This version is still awaiting asset store approval)

Link to Asset Store

Online documentation and change log

Version 1.2 was just approved by Unity.

Check it out here


Version 1.3 (Awaiting Asset store approval)

In this update, I’ve added a new feature where you can sort Shuriken particle systems in a 2D environment using the same sorting orders used on sprite renderers.

Now approved and available

Shuriken particle systems can be re-ordered in a 2D environment using this script.


Version 1.4 LIVE now.

Highlighter icons will now be visible on inactive game objects as well.

Version history: Life of a Games Developer: Unity plugin - 2D Layer highlighter tool

Keep the feedback and suggestions coming.
Zenith code

Free for 1 week! Get your copy now.

Please leave a review on the asset store.


Vesion 1.5 is now available on the Unity asset store. Anyone on version 1.4, please make sure you update to this version to fix a bug on VFXSorter class.

Zenith Code

Thanks a lot for sharing…
Great idea !


Thanks p6r!

Glad you like it! :slight_smile:

Version 1.61 is now available on the asset store.

A new feature has been added in this version. Instead of creating a custom icon for each layer, you can use the given blank icon and enter any text you like to see in your hierarchy.

Enjoy and keep the suggestions/comments coming.

Zenitch Code

Version 1.62 is awaiting asset store approval.

This includes a small bug fix when no object is selected in the hierarchy.

Zenith Code

Thanks for the update…
Very efficient plugin !!!

Thanks again p6r.

Version 1.62 is now live.

Zenith code.

Now available on the asset store

Version 1.63 - (aka Tuliper update)
New feature

  • Default texture is changed to blank with the text the first part of the layer name
  • Both the icon and the custom layer name can be changed at a later stage through the Rendering Window.

Version 1.64
Bug fix - VFX sorter was not working properly in the editor

Hello,I just bought this thinking for some reason it had 2dtk support(which it doesn’t),how hard would it be to implement it are you planning to?,thanks in advanced.

Hey Mikael,

I’m working on an NGUI version right now. I’m not familiar with 2DTK yet so can’t promise you that I will do it and if I do it by when. However, you’re the second one to ask about this so I will definitely take a look as soon as I finish the NGUI version.


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Version 1.65
Path is extracted into a constants class. Change this path if you move the tool’s folder under a different hierarchy.

Version 1.70

Highlight NGUI panels and widgets similar to 2D layers. Anyone using this version can download the NGUI addon for free.

Version 1.73 (Awaiting AssetStore review)
Added all icons for NGUI and 2DToolkit in core plugin
Centred order number
Support for multiple textures on the same layer (Currently being used by NGUI Panels)

Version 1.72
Added support for 2D Toolkit highlighter extension
Check out the new 2DToolkit add on the asset store.

Version 1.70
Added support for the NGUI Depth Highlighter extension
Check out the NGUI-addon ‘NGUI Depth Highlighter’ here: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making