our new plugins called NGUI-Alert and 2D OneWayPlatform are released on the asset store!
Both asset are small helpers which can we very handy for your next project
2D OneWayPlatform (pass through platform) - $2
Add only one script to your gameobject and you are done!
Asset Store: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/25052
Demo: http://www.orlyapps.de/unity3d/2donewayplatform/web.html
Supports (PC, Mac, Web, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store)
- very simple!
- works with every GameObject
- no tagging, no layer shifting
- only one script
- demo scene included
- platform prefab included
NGUI-Alert - $2
Fast and Simple way to add Alerts / Popups to your game with just a single line of code!
Asset Store: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/25168
Demo: http://www.orlyapps.de/unity3d/ngui-alert/web.html
Supports (PC, Mac, Web, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8 and Windows Store)
- Just a single line of code
- Full customizable
- Works with every GameObject and Prefab
- Autoresize added GameObjects
- Auto focus hierarchy
- Predefined templates (Button, Input, Horizontal, Vertical)
// simple
UIAlert.create("Hello", "Hello World").Show();
// button
UIAlert alert = UIAlert.create("Simple", "Button");
alert.Add<UIButton>("UIAlert-Button-Template").onClick.Add(new EventDelegate(() => {
// formular
UIAlert alert = UIAlert.create("Simple", "Formular", UIAlert.Layout.VERTICAL);
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {