Working on the body! not easy to do this little bastard!
I am working with Unreal now, but as soon as thies cockpít is ready, i will buy the Vol 4
I think that the convertion to Unreal will be more easy with the volume 4, less textures…
Whoa. I could see that become a dragonfly-like flier, which would be pretty amazing. Whatever it does end up looking like will be excellent, I know. Nice work!
I really like working on this kind of spaceship! Might as well try to copy the master!
Here is the link and another one LookAtMe
That “thud” is the sound of my jaw, hitting the floor. Amazing
you can pick it up i think i will do the release before this weekend!
Worklog update 1.1 (release soon) :
- New cool spaceship included, inspired by Oblivion movie Bubble Ship.
- New metalmaps added (.Metal_B), to get a more metalic rendering on the materials slots "_ID_Grey_A"
- Take a look to “Textures/_For GFX Artists/Cavity” it’s a good start to make your own metalic maps.
- Do not hesitate to play with Photoshop and the metal map bitmaps
To get different kit render!
I reworked on a new metal map for the materials, i assigned those new map to the materials named “*Grey_A”
(if you don’t like it, remap the old metal map), but many people criticized the kit 3 for having a “too plastic” look…
The metal maps really pushed it over the edge. That is some beautiful kit, Oh Mighty Cat.
Yes, metallic maps are the secret of PBR… It’s quite complicated to use them well! And I must admit learning things about them, even after using them for 5 years… I will include more later, they will allow different renderings for the kit.
NOTE: Package Released!
Working on a set of new button to create your panels
You can create this kind of cool panels!
Example of top buttons into the bubble cockpit:
Looks amazing.
Updated! Everything looks great indeed. And the new buttons are drool-worthy
Yes they will be nice (I haven’t put all the buttons yet), but it will allow to extend the building capacities of the kit. For example for those who want to do tests in VR Buttons are clickable with correct pivot orientation/placement.
Because if this kit has more polygons than the 3, I still stay Low Poly modeling (I don’t understand the point of placing thousands of polygons on everything… I always try to standardize my polygonal load by distributing it as well as possible)
What use are the 6000 polygons on my door handle to me, if my app is running at 10 FPS? Watch Star Citizen! Certainly it’s beautiful, but on my Core I7 with an RTX 3060, the application does not run in 1080 in a suitable way!
For version 1.2 I’m not going to do crazy work like for the bubbleship, I’m going to do little props… here I’m doing buttons and I’m thinking of doing furniture props first. Because I’ve seen a lot of projects made with my kits, and it’s often exploration games, with the construction of Martian modules
As you can see, with a little work and the electric button kit it is possible to achieve a lot of things!
Don’t hesitate to take a look inside the prefabs diretory called “Things” With a bit of imagination you can create cool stuff with those kit pieces!
I started to include some dynamic panels! It allow you to define some text in a screen with some dynamic elements. For the moment it’s a test, but it show you the kit possibility’s. The video you see is a a script! You define:
Something like this :
“A Start String” + (Random value between Min & Max) + “A End String”
But it’s cool! It animate a bit screens… With ease!