acParkour is additional add-on to UFPS,This add-on will allow you to increase mobility and the freedom of movement in your game, expanding the already robust UFPS kit. Inspired from games like EA Mirror’s Edge, we aim to provide an excellent first person parkour platform for Unity. acParkour is currently used in our upcoming free-running shooter ASCEND.
Full body is not included, and currently not supported. It will be updated in the future to have full support, but not in the initial version. I apologize for the confusion, will address that immediately.
How would I go about doing this? Because currently the unwield and wielding is not working for me and I followed the manual closely so I’m not sure if I am missing something.
That is weird indeed. Could you be able to show me a printscreen of the inspector for the player prefab? Are you using the new UFPS with the new inventory system?
I am using the new inventory system with UFPS. One thing that I did notice with the Parkour Player Prefab that came as an example is that non of the weapons work, the parkour works but the weapons don’t wield, so I tried to make a custom one following the manual and they still don’t wield. Here is a screen shot of the Inspector Player Prefab:
That is weird indeed. Could you perhaps try creating a new unity project, and import the latest UFPS from scratch, and then import acParkour, then try it again. I have been trying to replicate your problem with no success.
If all else fails, please do feel free to send us your unity project files for us to take a look. Just remember to send in your invoice as well.
It’s an add-on to UFPS but it doesn’t remove the weapon system. In fact the only thing it messes with heavily is the vp_FPController and the event system.
That looks great! I’d love to see how it would look with hands added to the screen or holding one of the default UFPS weapons, is that available in the demo?
By any chance is your parkourPlayer missing the vp_FPInventory script?
One thing you can try is use UFPS’ advancedPlayer prefab, add in the ac_FPParkour and acFPParkourEventHandler, then remove the vp_FPPlayerEventHandler That has work out for so far for me in my test.
I see that you guys started ascend using FPS kit 2.0 , i don’t really like UFPS , problems with lens flares and rendering distances or to add in stuff like fire animations …
Would it be alot of work to integrate with fps kit 2.0 since you guys went that route(any tips) ?
Unfortunately, acParkour’s code is highly dependent on UFPS’ event system so, it won’t be easy to do it. Possible, but might not be worth the effort, as fps kit 2.0 sacrificed a lot of features for ease of setting things up, most using very direct method.
We only used FPS kit at first to study how to make a FPS multiplayer (I am a noob coder), but slowly we will ditch it off completely. Still it was an invaluable tool to learn how it’s done.
I see , well i guess it would require full body integration first , i don’t see someone synchronising everything in 3rd person with 1st person in fps kit 2.0 like wallrun , dash etc …
Only thing im trying to figure out is why the Ignore Tag won’t work , i see it in the script but i still can climb/jump/hang on something with the tag Ignore Tag…
and thx for the quick support ! and for the cake !