Advanced Culling System
Revamping and Boosting Up!
Hey everyone!
I’m Andrey, the solo dev behind the Unity asset, Advanced Culling System. I initially built this during my freshman years in college. The idea was to optimize unity projects by reducing the load on rendering invisible objects, and it came down to two main modules: Static Culling and Dynamic Culling.
Now, with more experience under my belt, I’ve dived into a complete overhaul to make this asset even better. And guess what? The Dynamic Culling module has already got a significant boost! It’s faster, supports LOD objects, lets you merge smaller objects into a single Culling Group for better runtime performance, and even offers optional preprocessing for that extra speed.
Here are the upgrades to Dynamic Culling:
- Enhanced performance and processing speed
- LOD objects support
- Merging of smaller objects into a single Culling Group
- Optional preprocessing for a faster runtime
And this is just the beginning. I’ll soon start working on revamping the Static Culling module. The focus will be on increasing performance and simplifying preprocessing for static objects.
I appreciate every bit of feedback from all of you who’ve been using Advanced Culling System in your projects. Your comments, suggestions, and reviews are super important to me and they help me in making this asset better and better.
Stay tuned for more updates coming your way!
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