[Released] Advanced Procedural UI Generation! Create, modify, animate UI, even at runtime

Is there any chance that dashed/dotted outlines coming soon?
Or is there a way to implement it my self? Where would i have to do this? Is there a shader that i could extend?

I was able to modify it to allow a gradient on the outline.

9789141–1404786–MPImageExperiment.shader (40.3 KB)

Hello everyone, i’m struggling with a precise problem. We are trying to have a blurred background using MPUImage but all shader we use will not follow the rounded corner. Have someone solved this problem ?

I had to modify this script to get the editor UI to work in Unity 6.

9884544–1426320–EditorGUILayoutExtended.cs (3.74 KB)


This doesn’t address the root problem: “s_RecycledEditor” in Unity’s EditorGUI script is changed from a field to a property. And you will lose the float field of stroke, outline and falloff in the inspector.

Changing “fieldInfo” and “recycledEditor” in “EditorGUILayoutExtended” to the following code should fix the editor error in Unity 6

        #if UNITY_6000_0_OR_NEWER
        private static readonly PropertyInfo recycledEditorInfo =
            editorGUIType.GetProperty("s_RecycledEditor", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
        private static readonly FieldInfo recycledEditorInfo =
            typeof(EditorGUI).GetField("s_RecycledEditor", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

        private static readonly object recycledEditor = recycledEditorInfo.GetValue(null);
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Thank you I noticed this later but I haven’t had time to address it.

There’s also a fix for alpha channels needed that I will post later.

Hi @ Isfaq does it builds fine on older and newer android devices, i see some tasks that are still pending

Do you have this fix yet?

I think you mean EditorGUILayoutExtended instead of MPImageBasicEditor since the latter does not have any of these fields.

Yes EditorGUILayoutExtended! Not sure why I wrote the wrong class in the original post. Corrected it already

This issue should be fixed in the latest update.

forthcoming update? 1.2.1 still has editor errors fixable by the quoted script, although i wasn’t able to identify any errors with alpha channels you spoke of.

Oh that, I think it only affects you if you’re using Display HDR output.

I’ll i’ll try to remember to post my fix for it tomorrow.

HI there, I’m having issues with my linux server build.

2024-10-25T14:45:16.989Z Chicago[9a4eb483]
2024-10-25T14:45:16.992Z Chicago[9a4eb483] Trying to access a shader but no shaders were included in the build because Dedicated Server Optimizations is enabled.
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] Parameter name: shader
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] at UnityEngine.Bindings.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException (System.Object obj, System.String parameterName) [0x00018] in <5a7510377a7e4bad99bb922201c94d15>:0
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] at UnityEngine.Material.CreateWithShader (UnityEngine.Material self, UnityEngine.Shader shader) [0x00003] in <5a7510377a7e4bad99bb922201c94d15>:0
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] at UnityEngine.Material..ctor (UnityEngine.Shader shader) [0x00008] in <5a7510377a7e4bad99bb922201c94d15>:0
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] at MPUIKIT.MPImage.get_DynamicMaterial () [0x00019] in <6b16687f9d964080958532b8b7a12d9f>:0
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] at MPUIKIT.MPImage.get_material () [0x0001d] in <6b16687f9d964080958532b8b7a12d9f>:0
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] at MPUIKIT.MPImage.InitializeComponents () [0x00000] in <6b16687f9d964080958532b8b7a12d9f>:0
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] at MPUIKIT.MPImage.Init () [0x00000] in <6b16687f9d964080958532b8b7a12d9f>:0
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] at MPUIKIT.MPImage.Awake () [0x00006] in <6b16687f9d964080958532b8b7a12d9f>:0
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] Rethrow as Exception: Value cannot be null.
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] Parameter name: shader
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483]
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException_Injected(Exception, IntPtr)
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
2024-10-25T14:45:16.993Z Chicago[9a4eb483] UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

–nographics is enabled for the server build, for some reason it’s still trying to create the shader on the server which mass spams errors. Any idea how we can fix this?

We only started having this issue with Unity 6 (using LTS - 6000.0.23f1)
