AI Engine allows you to control the Unity Editor via ChatGTP.
Used correctly it can give you a massive productivity boost.
Available here.


This is lovely! Very compelling video too, gets the benefit across clearly if only wanting to play around with it!

Does ChatGPT itself understand Unity-specific terms like “place on terrain” or “for each object” or is this something the asset does and can be extended with? Let’s say if I wanted to do:

“create cube game objects on a 16,256,16 grid”
“for each cube, set a random color”

Would this work right out of the box?

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So generally speaking, anything that can be executed via code can also be executed via AI Engine.
Ofc it has to be reasonable for ChatGPT to handle.

Also note that this is a pure editor tool.
When setting a random color for example, you have to specifically ask ChatGPT for the shared material (as material instances are only available runtime).

Other than that, anything is possible :slight_smile:

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AI engine being able to use the editor is worth it for possibly saving a lot of time, just that alone!
That was my thinking to do this. This is potentially a huge time and sanity saver when
levels get to big and complicated, so I got this a few days ago… ( hobby only can’t code ) … but I think this asset is as they say " The Bomb " :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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