Plugin provides the easy and flexible functionality of Android native functions which are not available from Unity, including in-app purchases, play service native alerts. Package architecture is similar to IOS Native package
The plugin comes with complete documentation and a sample scene to get you started immediately!
If you have ANY urgent issue, please contact support at instead of posting on the forum.
I am not always getting forum notifications
I can not provide you with updated version here
You will get answer and fix much and much faster if you have contacted support directly
Getting answer on forums usually takes from 1-3 days
Answer from support takes less that 1 day. (in most cases we are answering imitate or in few hours, answer can take up to 48 hours if we are overloaded)
Keep forum posts for the:
Feature requests
Sharing your experience
Minor bug reports
Set Up instructions
In-App purchases
Fully documented and super easy to use Play Service: (Android 2.3+ required)
Application Only API Facebook:
Provided facebook api as wrapper class around Unity Facebook SDK. With means all Unity Facebook SDK will be completely available for you. Wrapper include API for:
Playmaker - Artists and Designers: Realize your creative vision without coding! Unlock the power of Unity.
Simple IAP System - Takes the complexity out of in-app purchases (IAPs) and the billing process as a whole by providing a one-stop solution for managing IAPs.
I am interested in this package and was hoping to see what the unity community thought of it. But there only 2 posts here. Has anyone used this plugin and can share their experience?
I am partially answering my own question here. I ended up biting the bullet and buying the asset, I thought it was worth a punt for only $20.
As you can see from my previous post, it has only been an hour since I purchased the asset. In that time, I got the test app running and up onto google play for testing and successfully ran test purchases against the google store.
I have no previous knowledge of google play or in app purchases. The instructions by the developer were the best I have seen from any purchase on Unity Asset store. He walks you through all aspects of setting up an account on google and configuring your app for publishing. I am very impressed.
I still have a long way to go to integrate with my own app, but I have a good understanding of the process now and am hopeful this will be straight forward.
(Please note, I am in no way affiliated with the developer)
That is really good to know that my asset saves your time. If you will have any questions please fill free to post it here, or contact me by directly by e-mail:
Your asset looks interesting but I have a few questions. My usecase might not be a fit for your products since my game will be cross platform (ios, android, windows store, windows phone). But I’d figured I’d ask just in case.
How similar is your API between the ios and android products for the pieces that have comparable functionality (i.e. leaderboards, popups, etc)
Do you intend in the next year or so intend to make a windows product for the live services?
In your category of plugins I’ve also looked at the reviews to the Prime 31 and Unibill. Prime 31 is obviously more expensive and does charge per platform. Unibill is cross platform with the same API (which is a plus for my usecase) but is a subset of features (only billing related). I realize this is a broad question but just wanted to get your feeling on what platforms you eventually intend to support even if they are multiple products and how similar the API’s into your products will be on the different platforms but on similar functionality.
I try to make as much similar as possible. So user who already use and like on of my plugin will not spend time to figure out architecture of the plugin to next platform. Exempt some uncomparable stuff. For example android dose not have non-cinsumable products, you have to consume it by your self, but ios does.
Basically road map is look like that
Add AD services to current plugins
Create plugin for OS X
Create Plugin for windows
Plugin for steam.
Those guys did great job.
Bu I pointing to create plugin with contain all necessary features list.
Like IAp, Game Center, Cloud, Native pop-ups (native multiplayer probably)
And make it affordable.
But if you need more that that, for example maps, or tricky camera work or any other native service, that I gues you should look to the more expasive plugin with wide feature list, or implement it by your self.
Eventually both of my plugins are open source, so it can be easily extended.
I do have a little problem with the way could saves are handled. My data to save is encrypted then converted to a base64 string, then when loading the string is converted from base64 then decrypted. All was working fine when i used “UnityGPGPlugin” to load/save my data to google cloud, but now i do get an error when trying to load the saved data with your plugin : Decrypt( serializedString ) : System.Exception: Invalid character found
Solution is simple, I will just add function to set and return bytes from the cloud.
I understand that there is a lot of time to weight before update version will be approved in Asset Store, so please PM me your e-mail and I will send you update version in the next few days.
Hey just bought this plugin recently and I’m excited by the prospects. I love the fact that you made the source code available so that I can add small features as I see fit. It also gives me peace of mind that if you stop supporting it I can fix small bugs if they appear (assuming I can figure it out lol).
So far I have managed to get some basically google play game services functionality going but I’ve run into an issue. Whenever I come back into the game after pressing the home button the game crashes. Any clue why this might be ocurring?
I am having an issue while using this with Unibill. I am using Unibill to do in app purchasing across multiple platforms. However it seems both Unibill and Android Native are attempting to add the same file to the project and are causing errors. Any idea how to fix this?
I was able to solve the issue by opening the Android Native project and pulling out anything that has to do with billing. Is there any chance that future updates could allow you to pick which features you would like to import? Maybe break the project into 2-3 jars and have a check box for what features you want to use? U3DXT does this for their iOS plugins.
Hello jhample, and thank you for sharing your experience.
That is something I can think over on the future updates.
Currently I am working on improving plugin stability, and adding local / push notifications.
In my opinion its much better to have open source project included, where you can do anything, cut or add functionality etc.
I thunk that is much better that 3-5 closed jars. Besides Android Plugins has a bit different structure, so this would not so easy to do like with IOS.
I highly second that, especially because combining multiple plugins on android is simply a PITA (if not impossible) without accessing the sources of them
We recently picked up this plugin for our game and it is very easy to use and is exactly what we need. However, we would like to add in server side receipt validation for purchases. Do you expose the receipt and signature returned from Google In App Billing? This is important to prevent fake purchases in our game.