[Released] Array & Randomize Tool

I was not impressed by the Array tools found on the asset store, So like any good tech artist I made my own.

It’s a complete re-creation of 3DSmax’s array tool in Unity.

  • Dynamic live preview of array creation right in the editor.
  • 1D, 2D, 3D & radial arrays
  • Can instantiate new prefabs, or simple clones.
  • Optionally maintain the hierarchy, placing the newly created objects under the same parent as the source.
  • Different kinds of Array transformation
    -Incremental Parameters apply to individual objects in the array.
    -Total Parameters apply to the overall distance, number or degrees, or percentage scale in the array
    -Uniform Parameter applies to all objects in the array.

I also decided to include in my randomize tool. It applies a random value to the position, rotation and/or scale of selected objects. This is useful for adding a realistic feel to your scene, since environments that have things that are perfectly placed and aligned look unrealistic, sterile and “too perfect” that 3D art can sometimes have. Kinda goes hand in hand with the array tool.

Known Bugs:

  • Previewing the creation of 3D arrays sometimes produces incorrect results (missing rows). The error is only with the previewing, The actual creation of the array when “Apply” is pressed does not have this error.
  • Radial arrays & previewing them weren’t correct in version 1.0, fixed in 1.1

So with the 1.1 update I accidentally included a file “customscripts.cs” that I didn’t mean to be there.
Its a collection of some custom editor scripts I’ve written in the past, some have a very specific use according to a specific workflow.

I don’t actually care that other people have it, But it was not ment to be included as part of the package and is not documented.
I’ve submitted a version 1.2 which removes the script, consider it a bonus to those who have bought the tool already.

Version 1.3 has been submitted, based upon user feedback I’ve added the functionality to the randomize tool to affect child objects, or only affect child objects (whereas previously it would only affect the parent object)
There are also new buttons that can reset the rotation/scale of the object back to default values, this is a alternative to using the undo functionality.

There’s also a bug fix where the preview array will now clear itself again if the object is deselected.

I have been looking for a good tool of this respective. I will be buying this shortly.

Ill be testing this with Unity 5

When creating radial arrays in Unity 5, the preview is correct, but when applied the rotation changes from the preview.

Thanks for the heads up, ill look into it.