[RELEASED] Avatar Maker - 3D avatar from a single selfie

Do you have Unity LWRP version of the software planned / test branch ready? Thanks

We have not such version yet.

Hello, any idea when the UMA version will be available (a week, a month, 2 months)? I been using UMA for years and was wanting this feature for a long time. Can I help you test it?

Hello, we are planning to release UMA integration within two months. Approximately in April.

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Hello, do you need any help with it, im available to help (for free).

Hi, Iā€™ve just purchased the Pro version, but have a console error when I run it. Using Unity 2017.4.17. Error is

avatarProvider null
ItSeez3D.AvatarMaker.Editor.c__Iterator2:MoveNext() (at Assets/itseez3d/avatar_maker/scripts/editor/AvatarMakerWindow.cs:708)
Coroutines.CoroutineRunner:ReadFilter(IEnumerator, Int32)

Sorry about the issue. This error occurs when you close the ā€œAvatar Makerā€ and open again.
We are about to release an update of the plugin that will include the fix for this issue. As a workaround I suggest donā€™t close the ā€œAvatar Makerā€ window until the release will be available.

When do you plan to offer a MAC Version? Looks very interesting!

Is almost April now!!! I hope its ready!!! I want to use it REALLY BAD!!

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We donā€™t plan to release the version for MAC yet.

Yes, is already April. But we are still working hard on the UMA support. Thanks for patience.

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Yes, we also have great interest in the UMA integration. Please also give us a hint of when the Avatar SDK UMA Local / Cloud mobile intergration plan is going to happen. Thanks

tick tock tick tockā€¦

Hi! Whatā€™s the latest on UMA? Thanks

Hello! We apologize because there is some delay in the release with UMA integration. The recognizability of the UMA avatars is not as good as of the current avatars. We are working on its improvement.

is it done yet is it done yet is it done yet???

I was using Avatar Maker Free and i find it awesome then i upgrade to Avatar Maker Pro to have the option to create prefab. But unity keep telling me that i have the free version. I try to create from a complete new project and import the asset but nothing changed.
Iā€™m a bit new to unity so maybe iā€™m doing something wrong.


Did you create the new project with the same name as the previous one?
If so, you need to remove the content of this folder: c:\Users[user_name]\AppData\LocalLow\DefaultCompany[project_name].
If it doesnā€™t help, please contact us by email (support@avatarsdk.com). We will solve your problem shortly.

Hi! Whatā€™s the status of UMA integration? Thanks!
