[Released] AVPro Video - complete video playback solution

Latest Version 3.2.2 - Released 6th February 2025

810208--871652--Rocket32.png DOWNLOAD THE FREE TRIAL VERSION HERE 810208--871652--Rocket32.png

Links: Webpage | Documentation | Support

New Features

  • Android Vulkan pipeline support
  • Re-written Android OpenGLES pipeline
  • visionOS support (Ultra Edition only)

General Features

  • Easy to use
  • Fast and powerful video playback
  • Based on 11 years of Unity video plugin development
  • Battle tested in professional productions
  • Native support for Windows, macOS, iOS, tvOS, Android and visionOS
  • No huge dependent libraries (eg FFMPEG)
  • Unity 2018.x - 2023.x supported
  • Easy to use drag and drop components
  • Free watermarked trial version available
  • Strong documentation and developer support

Playback Features

  • Play local, remote and adaptive (HLS/DASH) videos
  • VR, 360, 180, Mono and Stereo videos supported
  • 8K+ video decoding (on supported systems)
  • Transparent videos
  • Subtitles
  • Audio piping to Unity

Workflow Features

  • In editor preview and playback
  • Asset type for easily defining video content

Ultra Edition Features

  • Custom HTTP headers
  • AES-128 HLS
  • Decoding to 10-Bit textures (Windows only)
  • Hap codec (Windows and macOS only)
  • 10-Bit NotchLC codec (Windows only)
  • Spatial 360 audio
  • Video caching (Android and iOS only)
  • visionOS platform support

AVPro Video was nominated for the
Unity Awards 2016 Asset Store Award


Post issues to the GitHub issue tracker:

Download Links


On the Unity Asset Store we’ve made several editions of AVPro Video available so you can pick the one that’s best for your project:

  • Core Desktop Edition (core features for Windows, macOS platforms)
  • Core Mobile Edition (core features for Android, iOS, tvOS platforms)
  • Core Edition (core features for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, tvOS platforms)#
  • Ultra Edition (advanced features for all platforms : Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, tvOS, visionOS)
  • Enterprise Edition (for larger companies with multiple sites/offices/subsidiaries) - Contact us for pricing details

You can read this page to learn more about the features, pricing and upgrades for the different editions.

810208--871652--Rocket32.png DOWNLOAD THE FREE TRIAL VERSION HERE 810208--871652--Rocket32.png


Beta released today :slight_smile:

New video showing the included demos:

Very cool!

Could you post a more complete version or example of how to use and script the OnVideoFinished event, please?

Sure we’ll do that :slight_smile: There is some code in the documentation that show you how to basically use it, but an extra sample never hurt anyone :slight_smile:

Hi @AndrewRH , nice plugin! We want to know how much will it cost? Thank you

We have submitted to the Asset Store and are just waiting for them to review it now. The plugin for all platforms (Android, iOS, tvOS, OS X and more soon) will be $450 while individual platforms will be $150. If you already own one of our other video plugins (AVPro Windows Media or AVPro QuickTime) then there will be a discounted upgrade option
available ($300 for the full package, $100 per platform).


Thank you. We are investigating to see if we can live stream hd video on ios and android. In your doc, it says “Streaming video from URL (when supported)”. What does it means exactly?

I’m developing a 360 video cardboard experience (iOs, Android) and Samsung Gear VR.
I’m now using EasyMovieTexture but want something a bit more supported/stable and with decent documentation.

I’m now able to (badly and with constant crashes) preview the content in an Oculus Rift. and publish to both platforms using EasyMovieTexture. Will i be able to do the same thing with this? (minus the crashes :slight_smile: )
[edit: tried the demo version, preview on WindowsDesktop falls back to a 2 frame placeholder video, bummer!]

I’ve also used AV Pro Windows Media for the desktop version and i’m very happy with the stability and performance there.
Ideally i would have only 1 API for both windows desktop (Oculus) and mobile so… IF the above is possible AND the windows version is right around the corner I would be super happy!

So to summarise:
Can i use the VR supported player setting and preview in IDE using Oculus? [edit: appears not at this moment]
Is the Windows Desktop version right arround the corner? [edit: fixing the above i guess]

I’m guessing this will eventually replace the other plugins? (AVPro Windows Media or AVPro QuickTime)

One question: how does this differ technologically from your AvPro Quicktime plugin? Does this have hardware decoding on OSX?

Some platforms have native support for streaming from URLs. This isn’t something we have tested greatly in the initial release and we’re be focusing more on this in the next update. That being said, the basic streaming stuff is in there, so you can try it out just by entering an HTTP URL into the path field. I don’t yet have details on which platforms support it but we’ll improve the documentation on the next round. Feel free to test it in the trial version. Thanks,

1 Like

Yes, AVPro QuickTime is based on the very old QuickTime libraries which has various problems (besides being old), such as lack of 64-bit support. The new library is written to support many platforms and for OS X it uses the modern AVFoundation library to support media playback.

Hardware acceleration for decoding is one other feature that makes this better. If the machine supports hardware decoding of the specific format then it will make use of it. H.264 is the most common format with hardware decoding support.


Hi Tom,

Yes the Windows version is in the works. We already have a beta version internally but it needs more work to make it public. It already has some nice hardware decoding ability :slight_smile:

Yes our plan is to have a single API and single components for cross-platform video system. This is already the case with AVPro Vide for OS X desktop, iOS, tvOS and Android :slight_smile: Windows is coming next, but it will be after the intial 1.0.0 release.

It should replace the other plugins eventually but there are still a lot of people using these plugins so we will continue to support them for some time. Also AVPro Windows Media in particular has a lot of neat features that probably won’t make it into AVPro Video as they are very niche.

Thanks for the feedback. Feel free to email us if you have any more suggestions etc.

Thanks Andrew! Looking forward to it showing up in the Asset Store.

Is there a way to play video straight from the SD card? as opposed to putting them in the streamingAssets. On a samsung phone i’m guessing the path should be something like this. But i’m not getting anything to show up. file:///sdcard/Oculus/360 videos/myMovie.mp4


Yup we’re adding this feature in the new version (coming out any day now). In that old trial version only loading from StreamingAssets folder was supported…

Version 1.0.0 has been released on the asset store :slight_smile:

We already have great news about version 1.1.0! In a day or so we will release the update and it has some great new features:

  • Windows support!
    In-editor and standalone video playback in Windows
  • Much improved UI
    Very pretty and useful :slight_smile:
  • Stereo (top-bottom / left-right) VR 360 degree video support
    We’re even doing this in a single shader so it’s only 1 draw call, you don’t need to set up 2 cameras to render each eye!
  • Absolute file paths
    Load videos from anywhere (not just StreamingAssets folder), including sdcard etc
  • Per-platform overrides
    Specify different video files per platform


Wondering if you can help… I’m using AVPro (which is great, btw!) to make an Android build. But video playback breaks after splitting the app into .apk and .obb files! I assume this is because the path to the file is broken? Our audio is separate from the movie and is playing back, so I know there is a way to bridge this. Can you help me out with this? Thanks

Hi, I downloaded the trial version from your website, and while the demos work in Unity Editor (OSX), they still don’t work when building OSX standalone (an orange AV logo loop being displayed instead of the video). Does the plugin support OSX standalone in a first place, and if so, is there a trial version we can try? Or maybe I’m doing something wrong and the trial should already work on OSX? Thanks!

Version 1.1.0 sounds awesome! looking forward to it. In the mean time happy customer for 1.0.0. Congrats on the release.

Do you guys have a full scripting reference somewhere? The examples/reference in the “AVProVideo-UserManual.pdf” are pretty thin and occasionally vague. We really need this to make the mouse of this plug in in our projects. And please don’t assume we are all expert level programmers when you write it! Technical artists write plenty of scripts too!