
Few weeks ago I tried to make a billiard game with unity physics, the result was pretty bad, so I decided to make my own billiard physics engine which would work the way I want.

Latest update(WIP):

New update which includes:

  • Custom new physics engine
  • New game demo with multiplayer
  • Accurate physics
  • Improving performance
  • Spin
  • Compatible with android



So, how do you like billiard physics? I’d appreciate any feedback!

Future updates will be posted here.

Thank you for reading!

Why are the balls spinning backwards? : D
Looking good so far though.

Sometimes you get blind staring at your own stuff to much : D

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I’m actually working on a billiard game too as a side project. And just like you too, I found that the built in physics just simply unreliable so I have to switch into simpler spherecasting here and there. But your seems more solid than mine. Mine usually failed to scatter all balls in the breakshot unlike yours…

I wonder what’s that horizontal and vertical blue lines that every ball has in the video? Are you using octree collision?

this looks like a simple and fun game, would totally play this if this were on the app store

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Thank you very much, it really keeps me motivated.
But unfortunately I won’t publish this on google play…

not even on iOS store?

No, I’m planning to publish this asset at the asset store. But I’m still not sure what the price should be.

It’s been a long time since I posted last update. Now I’m back and I am working on a new amazing 3D billiard version which will hopefully be many times better than the last one! I am also aiming for the accurate physics and a whole custom physics engine!

@Nitugard When you release to asset store ?

@CoderPro I’ll probably finish it tomorrow. I was messing too much with improving performance and spin of the ball, this took a lot of time.
I’m also thinking about lowering the price so it is more affordable.

When it release, please notify me. And could you upload a Android demo ?

Soon I’ll update thread with webplayer, windows and android demo. Here is the video where you can see billiard physics in action:

Waiting … your asset. But did you upload to asset store ?
P/s: Did you make 3d view for this ?

Today I uploaded it to the asset store for a review, I was working on a multiplayer demo too so it took me more time.
Its funny how new update looks relative to current one.
Clicking on a camera icon in top left corner would allow camera rotations, clicking it again would switch back to 2D.

Great news! Billiard template on the asset store is updated!
Tomorrow I’ll upload some demos!!!

Here is the windows game demo! Download it here:

Please tell me what you think!!!

…Tomorrow I will build demo for android platform. I ran out of time today.


your game has a lot potential and i am very interested in it.

But if you can show multiplayer feature on android devices and

if you can add ball icons when a ball pocketed.

good luck.

Best Regards.

Thank you very much.
Not much people (almost none) are interested in this project, even though this update took me whole full time month to be completed.

Ball icons when pocketed is really simple to do and could be done in less than 15 mins, but I still find it hard to even open this project when I know how much time I spent for almost nothing :smile:

I just hope that those who bought my template before are happy to see and get this update!

Could you upload android demo ?