[RELEASED] Bunny Egg Hunt

We just launched Bunny Egg Hunt on iOS, Android (Via amazon App store) & Kindle Fire
Uses the new 4.6 UI, Game Center for iOS & Gamecircle & Unibill, Grids Pro oh and some mystical chicken magic.

Please feel free to check it out.


I suggest making iPhone with screenshots on your website bigger. On Retina screen it’s just too small. :slight_smile:

Proandrius, Thanks for the feedback/reply.

It’s using Distimo’s Applink functionality where it builds a single cross platform page for you.
Do you mean Retina on iOS or on a mac ? Any chance of a screenshot and I’ll know what to look for to fix it up.

This is how it looks like on my OS X machine: http://proandrius.com/random/pix_054.png

Interesting, I’ll have a look into it with distimo and see if there’s a way of over-riding it.
The penalty for using a shortcut to handle distribution I guess :frowning:

Well it’s a problem only for Retina users I guess. :slight_smile: