[RELEASED] Camera Shake Manager (free)

This camera shaking solution is very detailed and highly optimized.

  • High performance shaking (mobile ready)
  • Position based shaking
  • Distance based shaking strength
  • Pooling mechanism for shaking
  • Different shaking profiles
  • Detailed shaking profiles
  • Active shaking sources are calculated together to one shaking result
  • Shaking tester is also available
  • Experimental position based shaking (trying to calculate shaking position influences)
  • Shaking can be paused/continued (eg. for opening game menu)
  • Used in game development (is tested)

Asset store link:

Is now available in the asset store: Camera Shake Manager | Camera | Unity Asset Store

To set up the camera script for shaking can also be done by simply creating a new script on the camera and then set the script order of the new script for shaking later than your camera script. In this way you don’t have to modify your camera script at all.

Hi, is a very usefull component and I have downloaded this asset, but how I can play a especific shake in a trigger event? I dont understand this step.