[Released] Cascade - Rivers, Lakes, Waterfall and more ..

here my review from the fix:
It is much better, but making the padding to high and the surface disappears. If I play with the Scan Steps it gets bigger or smaller. I can’t get it much bigger then that:

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Ok. Kindly wait for next release.
We introduce “Cascade Surface Spawner” that will cover all the surface fitting the shape.
You can count on that release in the next 24 hours


Just tested a little bit and I have to say that the river and lake are aesthetically awesome. Not a big fan of the particule effect on the other hand.

Can the spline and terrain carver can be used with a road material ?

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Hi, just wondering if you have to use this with a terrain. Also, is there a link for documentation?

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we are rewriting the documentation as we had changes in last weeks. But you can have a look to few tutorials are live.

Below the link



Yes, you can. Just drop material , and setup up the mesh uv properly … and let’s see if this hidden feature is going to work :slight_smile:


Hi @antropia
i just got it yesterday

the assets beautiful with good performance.

however, i inserted my own Actor in one of the demos for testing purposes, and it turned out there was a bit of a problem i had to report regarding the refraction.

a 1 min video a better way to demonstrate the matter.

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thanks a lot for reporting the refraction problem and for the video.
I will check tomorrow (Friday )

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From far distance, the shore reflection is acting weird :

When you move left or right, the camera,you wwill see the strange reflection. Also the lake is not looking as good as from close up…

Feedback are important becuase help us to make better.
But ,I am not getting your point from the screenshot, Can you kindly share more details ? That would help.

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sure. just load up the same scene and put your camera at that height. move left and right. you will see the problem on the shoreline and the lake beeing very blue/cyan.

hope it helps.


Sure, it will help and we can fix. Thanks a lot for addressing that,

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any new news till now? :smile:

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Small bug to fix … lake now can flood in complex shape …



wow. looks great. :thumps up*

This flood work in game?

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I think it is only a better method to create lakes with complex shapes, where the current method fails. see my pictures above. And don’t say, that these lakes are unnatural. they are here on earth in japan around Mount Fuji. ^^

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