I’ve been working on a game for some time now, on my spare time.
I was quite into it till lately. The Unity forum helped a lot and I didn’t have to ask much here so far.
The thing is, I now face new challenges for which some help is welcome
So I’ll try to share a bit from now on and get feedbacks from the community.
The game is a mobile beat’em all with no story, just random fights.
Here is a video of the gameplay:
And here is the tutorial, to get a better understanding:
The game isn’t much original but I’m still having fun doing it.
I’m doing it alone. It’s both great and a challenge at the moment.
I’m a programmer, so I had to learn Blender to make the characters, their basic animations, and I used some assets from the store for most of the level design.
But after that, there is music…
I tried to compose some: https://soundcloud.com/kwel-1/tracks
But it doesn’t fit at all after all, so I stop trying.
What type of music do you think would be convenient for the game? (hip hop, metal, synth wave, …)
If you have references it would be awesome. Even if it’s not royalty free it will help!
Any other feedback on the game itself is really welcome.
I really appreciate it!
I’ll try updating the thread when I get something new to share or for which I need your insight.
But if you are interested to see more of the current state, check out my blog.
I didn’t play Golden Axe. But I did play Street of Rage a lot.
And it’s one of my references for this game (along with Red Steel 2, Hard Corps Uprising and Ninja Gaiden).
Swipe Down is a top down slash
Swipe Up is a thrust which push the opponent backward
Swipe Left is a slash to the left
Swipe Right is a slash to the right
Then the special attacks are combinations of those. I only have 3 so far… But I’ll think about more
I knew Double Dragon but I will check again! I don’t know Battle Toads though!
I’ll definitely check both. Thanks a lot for the references!! I appreciate it.