As of v1.2 Codefarts Grid Mapping comes with a custom tile set texture as well as various materials. I will slowly be phasing out the use of Ari Feldman’s SpriteLib.
Current Features
Includes initial drawing rules editor
Can use your own prefabs
Includes simple prefab shapes
Customizable prefab quick select grid
Recently used lists for quick re-selection
Support for layering
Can name, lock, show/hide, reorder layers
Structured prefab naming convention
Preset rotations when drawing
3 draw tools Pencil/Rectangle/Fill Rectangle
Supports Undo
Full off line documentation included
Built in feedback tool
Includes preliminary API developer tools
Can auto scale and auto center prefabs
Lots of settings for customization
Fully commented organized C# source code included
95+% of source code conforms to default StyleCop settings
NOTE: The current version of this tool does not contain a grid or tile mapping/management system. It is a in editor creation tool designed to make it easy to rapidly place prefabs within a grid based layout. A future update will include more editor run time API’s.
Latest Version Notes
Items starting with “Completed” are items that have been fully implemented as they were intended
Items starting with “Partial” are items that have only been partially implemented.
Completed - Fixed bug with pencil tool where you could not use the middle mouse button to drag the camera.
Completed - Fixed bug with pencil tool where prefabs were not auto scaling when auto scaling was turned on.
Completed - Added Rotation window containing the rotation grid for each X, Y, Z axis.
Completed - Added/updated general settings with a drop down list that provides the user with different ways for the rotation grids to be displayed.
Completed - Added new setting under general settings section that controls the orientation (horizontal/vertical) of the rotation grids in the rotations window.
v2.3.1 - v2.3.2
Completed - Rearranged location of some menu items to conform to unity asset store submission guidelines. Top level “Codefarts” menu has been moved to “Window->Codefarts”.
Completed - Grid mapping service now provides an event to notify code that a different drawing tool was selected.
Completed - New settings section for managing and searching for drawing tools, that also allows where tools appear in the drawing tools area and in what order.
Completed - Grid mapping service now provides an event to notify code that the drawing tool list has changed.
Completed - Moved “Drawing tools button size” “Drawing tool buttons per row” settings from “Grid Mapping/General” to “Grid Mapping/Drawing Tools”.
Completed - Fixed a bug with the draw rectangle tool where the first prefab would be rotated correctly but the remaining prefabs would not be rotated.
Completed - Included the 3D block promo scene shown in the unity asset store page.
Completed - Updated some of the sample scenes.
Completed - Fixed compilation issue when switching to Web Player platform involving last update time.
Completed - Performed partial code audit and added more xml documentation and in-line code comments. Also formatted code to conform to default StyleCop settings.
I am also planning on making a few videos comparing UniTile, Tidy Tile Mapper, and Codefarts Grid Mapping. The videos are intended to measure speed of the workflow for each tool and compare them when creating a specific map. This will help users decide for themselves if Codefarts Grid Mapping is worth spending there monies on.
I have been keeping a list of about 60+ features that still need to be added to the Codefarts Grid Mapping tool. Some are small some are large features so there is still a whole lot of work yet to do.
Hmm I’d have to say no it would not be a good fit for what you are trying to do. The tool is more intended for building grid based maps. The screenshot you provided appears to be more of a terrain type with objects placed on top.
I’ve provided a list of asset store links that provide similar functionality to what you may bee looking to do
I’m trying to create a tile based ‘cubic style’ terrain with decent height variation,something like the screenshot above,but not exactly like it.
Do you think this tool is suitable for it?
By cubic style terrain with decent height variation are you referring to something like this?
There are 2 primary tools the pencil and rectangle tool, when drawing they place the specified prefabs at specific grid/layer positions. The current version of grid mapping does not support drawing prefabs with offsets like the terrain shown in the youtube link I posted above. But adding that feature for 2.4.x should not be too hard.
I’m currently working on v2.4.x. The new version introduces a long overdue layer manager feature that allows developers to create layer manager plugins such that they can organize the drawn prefabs in the unity hierarchy as they see fit and are not restricted to the Grid mapping way of map making that currently maintains a flat list of game objects under the map game object.
I’ve made a blog post on the website from July 9, 2015 detailing some issues I’ve had with the new layer manager and the solution I have come up with is a custom Undo/Redo system.
I have a better example to show you what kind of terrain i’m trying to achieve:
The terrain was made with TileWorldCreator($60).
Here is another example:
Do you think this tool can achieve this?
Also,what about roads?Do you think by creating another tileset and painting it in the terrain can do it?Or do i need another solution for it?
I’m actually developing an additional tool for v2.4.x that is a texture/material replacement tool where you can specify a list of materials and then draw like the pencil tool and it will replace the renderer component materials with the materials specified by the tool. This would allow you to draw your terrain prefabs then go back and use the material replacement tool to draw roads on those prefabs and replace materials with road materials.
You have me thinking about perhaps I should build a terrain type tool, but that kind of thing would not be implemented for a while as there are numerous other things I am working on that I have in the pipeline.