[RELEASED] Chat Builder & Mobile Chat Quests

Hello everyone!
Recently, we’ve observed a growing trend in games within the simulation genre featuring chat quest systems. Inspired by this, we developed a system designed to simplify the creation of NPC chat interactions. You can learn more about it in detail below:

You can find this asset by following this link: Chat Builder & Mobile Chat Quests | Visual Scripting | Unity Asset Store


:wrench: Efficient Workflow Tools

Enhance your chat-building experience with quality-of-life features:

:clipboard: Copy & Paste for easy replication of messages
:floppy_disk: Save, Save As, and Import functionality
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Undo & Redo actions to ensure a smooth workflow
:keyboard: Customizable Hotkeys

Speed up your process with pre-defined shortcuts, fully customizable to suit your needs.

:speech_balloon: Add & Manage Messages

Seamlessly create new messages and link them with answers to form chat conversations.

:link: Linking & Pricing Options

Connect messages with responses and set prices for paid answers when necessary.

:framed_picture: Image Attachment Support

Attach images to messages as needed, enhancing chat interaction.

:earth_africa: Multi-Language Support

Create chats in multiple languages with easy options to add new languages to your project.

:lock: Safe & Secure

Your data is securely parsed and validated for error-free deployment.

:speech_balloon: MOBILE CHAT FEATURES

:incoming_envelope: Interactive Messaging

Receive messages from the chat partner and choose your response from multiple options.

:money_with_wings: Monetization Options

Offer both free and paid (in-game currency) answers, with coin-spending mechanics for unlocking content.

:camera: Image Unlocking

Give users the option to unlock images using coins for added engagement.

:keyboard: Typing Animations

Simulate a real-time chat experience with “typing” animations for the chat partner.

With this organized structure, your chat system is both powerful and user-friendly, offering smooth integration and customization options.


New to Unity

There is a fully-functional template for a chat simulator already included in the asset, meaning that newcomers to Unity would not need to create anything from scratch. Available tutorials and guides in the documentation can help literally anyone to use Chat Builder. Chat-Builder is node based and basically is a custom visual scripting tool.

Experienced devs

As a developer with experience you will find that Chat Builder allows you to create a mobile chat quest type of game without much of an effort, saving your time and development cost.


Chat builder can work in a standalone build and is very easy to use, meaning that you would not need developers to create your chats. Chat Builder has proved to be a convenient tool that can be used by narrative designer, game designers etc. That allows to save a lot of time in development and is extremely useful when used in a large outsource\product team.


:page_facing_up: DOCUMENTATION | :globe_with_meridians: WEBSITE | :speech_balloon: DISCORD | :movie_camera: YOUTUBE

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