Hi everybody, I’ve recently released the Classic City Builder Kit to the Asset Store. I have long loved the classic city builders like pharaoh or caesar but have been a bit disappointed with how little new games have been released in the genre recently. I think that stems in part from the big up front effort required to get even a simple city builder set up. That’s the problem I tried to solve with this kit, providing common features of the genre so game creators can get a big head start and focus on what makes their city builder unique.
I have just released Classic City Builder Kit 1.0.0 !
Release Notes:
urban demo project
simple city sim in isometric 2d
showcases various 1.0 features
connections core system
build a network of feeders and passers
enables water and electricity networks
connected tiles that switch sprite based on their neighbors
simple base class and variants for rectangle and isometric grids
walkers can now be pooled using ObjectPool
roads now support multiple networks
simply use MultiRoadManager instead of DefaultRoadManager
rails and roads in urban demo
structures now support multiple levels
easily control which levels a structure inhabits using the level toggles
a single point in the urban demo can have a pipe, road and power line; pumps inhabit all three levels
new view type that displays building efficiency
demo materials have been switched from urp to legacy shaders
I don’t currently have a discord, fastest way to reach me is by mail(softleitner@gmail.com).
Please check which version you have downloaded in the package manage, if you have downloaded 0.9 previously you can update it there.
The urban city demo should then be directly in the root of the project and materials should be changed to legacy.
There is a problem that causes the wrong version to be downloaded in unity versions below 2019.4.23.
I will fix it in the next update, in the meantime please upgrade your unity installation to use CCBK 1.0.0.
Setup Wizard window
creates a clean project template with placeable buildings
configure display modes, axis, sizes, … in a simple dialog
Expandable Buildings
building size is determined during building
expand building in one or two dimensions
showcased in the new bridge building of THREE demo
enhanced Full 3D support
showcased in new 3D demo scene in THREE demo
support for perspective camera and 3D roads
height parameter in walkers can modify their display
(move along terrain or change to different layer in tunnel)
Road Switching
allows destination walkers to move between road networks
showcased in SwitchRoadDebugging scene in tests and tunnel scene in urban demo
Building Requirements now support various modes and configurations
Road Requirements can now be configured to amend missing roads
Cell Size of grid is taken into account in default and isometric map
RoadBuilding functionality has been merged into regular Buildings
incorrect camera area when camera was pitched enough to look up
structure level editor not working inside arrays
monument pathing when using worker pooling
Heres a quick video showcasing the new setup wizard window:
Overview Windows for Buildings, Walkers and Items
these display all the objects in a set with preview images
objects can be filtered, cloned and deleted
Complete visual overhaul of 3D City Builder Demo
25 Original Low Poly Buildings
Humanoid Walkers with Animations
Maps, Props, Materials, Effects, …
Updated “Start from Scratch” Tutorial
Incorporates new Setup and Overview Windows
New sprites for Buildings and Walkers
Common walker properties have been moved to WalkerInfo
PathTyp, PathTag, Speed, MaxWait, Delay
Expandable buildings not loading their expansion
Buildings having wrong scale after being affected by BuildingAddonTransformer
this lead to buildings in the three demo always being slightly off scale or very off scale when the framerate was low
Roads for Bridge being amended without rotation
Path Recalculation for moving walkers in Defense Demo
Roads being demolished when their RoadBlocker was demolished
Roads are “underlying” and therefore only demolished when no non “underlying” structure is demolished at the same time
Timings system (events, animations and text based on playtime)
Hexagon support in Setup, Map, Tiles, …
Decorator Structures that save rotations and sizes
Object Generator for easy map object generation
FireWalker in Three Demo now actively walks to and extinguishes fires
Walkers use better points to enter and exit buildings(Pathfinding accepts multiple starts/ends)
BuildingRequirement can now require Buildings(see BuildingRequirementDebugging)
DefaultGameManager now saves the current randomization state
AccessType Exclusive
Rotations in XY Maps
The Timings system is used in the Three demo to display the game time in a year, quarter, … format and for a day night cycle and rain event. The Three demo also uses the new Decorator Structures and Object Generators to add Bushes and Pebbles. Look through the MapObject GameObject to see how they are used.
The advancement in BuildingRequirement are demonstrated in a scene in the Test project.
i’ve not had the time to play it but from what i know about rimworld i think that game is heavily based upon individual walkers and their AI which is not currently well supported in CCBK
it might give you a good jumping off point for some of the basic stuff like structures, buildings, walkers, layers, saving…
Food View in Three Demo
uses the overhauled views and bars and the new IItemHolder interface
walkers can now also have bars; added bars that show items using their icons
Tornado Happening in Urban Demo
Health Bars in Defense Demo reintegrated with Core Views and Bars
Rain in Three Demo now affects Heat and Water
the new ILayerModifier interface can be used to globaly affect Layers
Religion in Historic Demo now affects Farming Efficiency
the new ScoreEfficiencyComponent uses a Score to affect Building efficiency
Migration in Three Demo is now driven by a Score
this happiness score combines employment, housing quality and food availability