Did you buy it? If yes can you share your feedback in the Asset Store page if there is any bugs do let me know
1.0.1c is up soon and will be live.
1.0.1c is now live. Make sure to delete existing clips before updating
What should be the price of this asset according to you guys? The most reasonable price will be set so that it becomes more affordable. The price will be updated after April 12. So let me know your price amount.
what ever it was at 50% was a good price… its just I knew it wasn’t going to be exactly like the previous clipboard addon I used to use all the time which I mentioned earlier in the thread in my first reply… so was hesitant to buy instantly… then forgot to buy at the discount price
also need to fix the features link in the op, and should have a link to the store page in the first op aswel
I will reduce the price after April 12. Do you think 15$ is a reasonable price for this tool or it should be lower for more audience? Fixed the features link
Your original post doesn’t actually have a link to the asset store page, that doesn’t make sense as it is out now.
$10-$15 seems reasonable I’d do that, get more interest and reviews out of a cheaper tool, adjust the price later
Added the link now and I think I have to improve the content post quality as I don’t get interested in reading it myself tbh.
Just bought it and tried it out Unity 6 preview …
FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
void Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException(bool overflow, string overflowResourceKey)
int Number.ParseInt32(ReadOnlySpan<char> value, NumberStyles styles, NumberFormatInfo info)
int int.Parse(string s)
Object RSS.Editor.Tools.Clipper.Proxy.ObjectWrapperProxy.ToObject() (at Assets/Rocketshift Studio/Clipper/Editor/Scripts/Data/ObjectWrapperProxy.cs:55)
Texture2D RSS.Editor.Tools.Clipper.ObjectJsonData.ExtractPreviewIcon() (at Assets/Rocketshift Studio/Clipper/Editor/Scripts/Data/ObjectJsonData.cs:62)
void RSS.Editor.Tools.Clipper.ClipElement.RefreshClipData() (at Assets/Rocketshift Studio/Clipper/Editor/Scripts/ItemElements/ClipElement.cs:170)
ClipElement RSS.Editor.Tools.Clipper.ClipElement.SetClip(Clip clip) (at Assets/Rocketshift Studio/Clipper/Editor/Scripts/ItemElements/ClipElement.cs:115)
void RSS.Editor.Tools.Clipper.ClipperWindow.Filter() (at Assets/Rocketshift Studio/Clipper/Editor/Scripts/Windows/ClipperWindow.cs:454)
void RSS.Editor.Tools.Clipper.ClipperWindow.ClipsUpdated() (at Assets/Rocketshift Studio/Clipper/Editor/Scripts/Windows/ClipperWindow.cs:238)
void RSS.Editor.Tools.Clipper.ClipperManager.AddClips(params Clip[] clips) (at Assets/Rocketshift Studio/Clipper/Editor/Scripts/Managers/ClipperManager.cs:60)
void RSS.Editor.Tools.Clipper.ClipFactory.CreateClip(params Component[] targets) (at Assets/Rocketshift Studio/Clipper/Editor/Scripts/Utilities/ClipFactory.cs:66)
void RSS.Editor.Tools.Clipper.ComponentContextMenuHandler.CopyToClipboard(MenuCommand command) (at Assets/Rocketshift Studio/Clipper/Editor/Scripts/ContextMenuHandlers/ComponentContextMenuHandler.cs:18)
at void UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.Internal_LogException_Injected(Exception, IntPtr)
void UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.Internal_LogException(Exception ex, Object obj)
void UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.LogException(Exception exception, Object context)
void Switchboard.UnityLogger.Log(LogLevel logLevel, Exception exception, ReadOnlySpan<char> message)
void Switchboard.LoggerRoot.Log(LogLevel logLevel, Exception exception, ReadOnlySpan<char> message)
void Switchboard.UnityLogHijacker.LogException(Exception exception, Object context)
void UnityEngine.Logger.LogException(Exception exception, Object context)
bool UnityEngine.Debug.CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception exception, Object obj)
bool UnityEditor.EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItemWithTemporaryContext_Injected(ref ManagedSpanWrapper, Object[])
bool UnityEditor.EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItemWithTemporaryContext(string menuItemPath, Object[] objects)
void UnityEditor.Actions.ContextMenuUtility.ExecuteMenuItem(Object[] context, string menuItemPath)
void UnityEditor.Actions.ContextMenuUtility.AddMenuItemWithContext(DropdownMenu menu, IEnumerable<Object> context, string menuItemPath, string contextMenuPath)+() => { }
void UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_CallDelayFunctions()
Clipper is now available able for 4.99$ from 9.99$ for a limited time so don’t miss the chance