[RELEASED!] CoInspector | Split GameObject/Asset Inspection, Tabs & more


So, I’ve always been a bit bothered by not being able to inspect/preview Assets without losing my active GameObject selection… So, I somehow ended up writing my own Inspector Window: CoInspector!

Mandatory Link: CoInspector | Split Inspection, Tabs & History

Basically, it splits the Inspector Window into two independent sections: One for GameObjects and another for Assets. Thus, clicking on an Asset will not override your active GameObject selection (and vice versa).

Anyway, here’s a trailer:

It also has Tabs (like a browser!!1!), so you can multitask between different GameObject Selections (individual or multi-target), move back and forth through your Selection History in any Tab, and enjoy other handy features.

Plus, you can recover your workspace in any Scene you work on, Clone Components, Drag Components between Tabs, check your Asset inspection History, view your Most/Last Selected GameObjects… and seriously, much more!

Here’s the full list of Features:

• [:file_cabinet:Split GameObject/Asset Inspection ]
CoInspector splits the Inspector into two independent, resizable sections so you can work on Assets AND GameObjects at the same time, side-by-side.

No more switching windows, no more lost selections. GameObjects stay with GameObjects, and Assets stay with Assets. Simple!

• [ :card_index_dividers: Tabs ]
CoInspector lets you manage multiple GameObject selections with Tabs. Each Tab is like an independent Inspector, with separate Debug/Lock modes and History Tracking.

(Plus, switching Tabs won’t affect your Active Selection unless you want it to!)

• [ :previous_track_button: Inspection History ]
Navigate back and forth through your recent inspections in any Tab, reopen closed Tabs or revisit previously inspected Assets.

(Also, access your Last Clicked and Most Clicked GameObjects!)

• [ :floppy_disk: Scene Sessions ]
Pick up right where you left off. CoInspector remembers your Tabs and history for each scene, letting you restore them the next time you open it.

(Quite handy after an editor restart or crash!)

• [ :hammer_and_wrench: Customizable Asset Inspection ]
Make the Asset section work for you. Pick your desired level of detail, from a simple footer to a full-fledged Inspector with import settings.

(Also, hide sections, ignore folders, or disable Asset Inspection altogether!)

• [:computer_mouse: Advanced Dragging ]
Move and clone components between Tabs, drag Tabs (or inspected Assets) into Editor fields, and even drag Assets as new Components!

(Like an AudioSource from a Clip or an Animator from an Animator Controller.)

• [ :white_check_mark: Compatible with your Custom Editors and Inspector extensions ]
Works with your Custom Editors and Inspector extensions out of the box, from simple tweaks to total overhauls like Odin Inspector.

• [ :tophat: Even more QOL features ]
Middle-click GameObjects to open Tabs, Select/ping Tabs, improved multi-selection, instant switch to Unity Inspector, copy Asset paths, Collapse/Expand Components with a click, Local Hierarchy View… and still more!


Thanks for checking it out!