There’s no ETA, updates come out when they’re ready and tested. You can look at the releases history at Corgi Engine Releases to get an idea of the pace.
Hello guys and @reuno !
I’m going through the docs and trying out stuff in the test game, and I’m new to dev. I hope it’s okay to ask several questions at once.
If I add my own layer to the settings (like a layer for breakables), how can I make it so that it won’t get deleted when updating Corgi?
Today I’ve updated Corgi from 8.8 to 9.0. I deleted the folder as instructed in the docs and only then I imported the new version. After that, I can’t launch the game I’ve been building in the previous version, I have these errors in the console:
Error 1
You've set the WeaponAim on CorgiMachineGun(Clone) to be driven by SecondaryMovement, yet it's either driven by an AI or doesn't have an associated InputManager. Maybe you meant to have a Script AimControl instead. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.WeaponAim:Initialization () (at Assets/CorgiEngine/Common/Scripts/Agents/Weapons/WeaponAim.cs:195) MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.WeaponAim:Start () (at Assets/CorgiEngine/Common/Scripts/Agents/Weapons/WeaponAim.cs:146)
Error 2
The referenced script (Unknown) on this Behaviour is missing! UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallDelayFunctions ()
I’ve found the references script, it’s this:
Can you give me a direction on how to fix those errors?
- I created a bot that follows the player and should shoot at enemies automatically. For now, it also kills the player. I want to change this, and I think I will have to edit the prefab for the weapons or maybe for the bullets, right? To not target player layer?
If so, how can I save this prefab so that it won’t get overwritten with the next Corgi update?
- I’ve created a breakable object. I put a health component on this prefab and chose a custom layer Breakables for it. I put a DamageOnTouch component on player and choose Target Layer Mask Breakables. When I launch the game and come to the object, nothing happens, apart from strange sound playing like something is constantly being hit, and the sound overlaps in loops.
What can cause such behaviour? Why the object doesn’t break? Is that because I moved it on Z axis a little bit to the back like on the screenshot?
If so, what would be an appropriate for Corgi way of putting objects like this in the background, you know, to make a scene more immersive with layering of the objects on different Z positions, but also not breaking the colliders?
Thank you in advance.
- don’t import the layer project setting file when importing again, or use version control and merge with yours.
- Error1: the error tells you in its first line what you did wrong. Error2: you can simply remove that file. No idea why you’d get that warning, but it’s no error, it’s harmless.
- Yes, you’d change that at the bullet level.
- I don’t know, I’d need more details. You’ll find examples of “breakables” throughout the asset (pretty much everything in the Brobro level, crates in Mesa1, etc). I’d recommend checking them out. If the issue persists, please use the support form and provide exact steps of what you did.
- Don’t put colliders on these objects.
I hope this will answer your questions, again if you have more, please use the support form instead.
Thank you for your help! Quick and concise. I think I will be able to figure out my next steps from there.
Sorry about reaching out here. I will be using the support form on your site from now on.
Since my last try to post an answer for this issue, it got sorted under a completely different question, I will restate the issue this time: After changing the target platform (from Windows to Switch), I get quite a few error messages of this type:
The type or namespace name ‘CorgiController’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
The error only occured after the platform switch and it is a bit confusing to me, because the class files are still in the project as they were before.
It would be great if you could restate what the solution to this issue is.
I have to admit I’ve never encountered this, nor has it ever been reported, despite plenty of games having shipped on switch using the engine. Are you sure you don’t have compile errors (aside from the asmref ones)? Or that you’ve setup asmdefs that’d cause this?
In July 2022, someone already seems to have had the same issue, just with iOS instead of Switch, which you solved via another channel. The name of the person who asked this was “CasualAttitude”. Regarding Compile issues: Now I do have compile issues - the ones I mentioned in me request. But I can compile without errors for Windows.
That person had compile errors in their own scritps, preventing the rest of the project to compile, the issue wasn’t actually related to the engine. That’s why I asked if you had other compile errors too. Considering how the switch has proprietary APIs and doesn’t support some of the native Unity ones (see their docs / NDA), that would have been a common issue.
Hello, why doesn’t the wall jump have an input buffer like the normal jump? I feel that when I want to do a wall jump really fast, it ends up not jumping, because I press the button before reaching the wall.
Or is it something like that and I forgot some settings?
Edit: In fact I realized that the Input Buffer for jump is not working, I changed it to 1 second and still not working. Am I doing something wrong?
Nobody’s ever requested that feature, but I’ll be happy to add it to the todo list. If you have more, don’t hesitate to use the support form to request them.
As for the jump input buffer, it does seem to work (just tested on a fresh install of 9.0 on 2022.3.23f1). It’s also not something anyone’s ever reported, so maybe something you changed on your end is preventing it from working. If you can send me exact steps to repro your issue via the support form, I’ll have a look.
Weird, after I reset my computer Input Buffer is working again. I tested in two different Unity versions and they were both happening, but now is working. But it will be awesome to have this on wall jump as well.
There is anyway to avoid that the character sometimes is launched to the sky when jump into a box collider corner? This happens in the bottom as well and the character is launched to the floor.
I found a video that exagerated the problem, but even with the original character you can reproduce this bugs if you hit the right spot.
I’m glad you solved your issue, thanks for letting me know.
And please just answer my emails, no need to post everywhere, thanks.
Hi reuno, I tried to deploy a corgi engine game inot WebGL. After a few transition and a error message occur to stop me from continuing. It was working fine when playingin window. May I ask if there are any way to solve this problem?
Thank you very much for your help and consideration!!!
@rock9913 > I have to admit I’ve never seen such an error, and without the full trace it’s hard to tell what may be causing it. From what you shared of it, it doesn’t seem related to the engine.
Plenty of people have shipped on WebGL with the engine, and you’ll find an up to date demo of it at Unity WebGL Player | CorgiEngine
That demo is created from a fresh install of the latest version of CE (9.1 in this case), in a straight WebGL build. I just tested it on a few machines and browsers and couldn’t repro your issue. I’d recommend giving it a try.
Make sure you enable exception handling for WebGL builds to avoid this. If this is not enabled then try catch won’t work and you will see errors like this. Unity - Scripting API: PlayerSettings.WebGL.exceptionSupport
@reuno Hello and thank you for making this amazing asset.
As a gamedev newbie, I don’t sure if this is proper to request a new Cycle Option for Moving platform’s Path, or there’s some way work around it:
I wish the platform could stop at every Path Element, like Hollow Knight’s City of Tears elevators with upward/ downward switches. I found LevelSelection demo share a similar concept of moving but am still figuring the implementation. Thank you!
You can already use set your moving platform to ScriptActivated:true, and toggle its movement authorization on and off. As it also exposes hooks to bind feedbacks when reaching every point, you could easily have a script pilot it to achieve what you described.
Thank you! I’ll take a look into feedbacks.
I have a problem with ComboWeapon and Animation Parameters. I use EquippedAnimationParameter to change all animation subject to equipped weapon.When finish using weapon and if weapon have a ComboWeapon script, ComboWeapon disable active Weapon script and it reset Animation Parameters in LateUpdate.
So EquippedAnimationParameter becomes false for 1 frame and sometimes looks bad animation transition.
Bad eng sry.
I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue, if the problem persists, don’t hesitate to reach out via the support form and provide exact steps of what you’re doing, I’ll be happy to have another look.