[RELEASED] Databrain - Ultimate scriptable objects framework

Hi everyone!

I’m happy to announce my latest asset:

Here’s the official description from the asset store:
Databrain is a powerful tool for managing object-based game data. It allows you to create custom data objects, import data from CSV or Google sheets, and to utilize the Unity UIToolkit or field attributes to build visually appealing inspectors for your data. It also allows you to categorize data using namespaces or derived classes.

You can also expand Databrain with our available add-ons to truly make it the Swiss Army knife of your data management needs.

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I’m happy to announce that a new update for the Logic - High Level Visual Scripting add-on has been released which includes new state machine nodes.
Those allow to easily create finite state machines within Databrain.

You can read more about the FSM nodes in the official Documentation


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Cool stuff!
I’ve been working with visual FSM editors well over 20 years ago and like to see every time when it’s also visually well done. :slight_smile:

Is that plain-old GraphView? The styling is nice, especially the lines. I didn’t expect you could style them as much as you did there.

I bet the rest of the UI was made with UI Toolkit too. Just judging by the consistent styling and look & feel, which few would bother doing with IMGUI simply because of the struggle to get to to work functionally, let alone making it not fall apart with dynamic GUIs.

Thank you, happy to hear this! The graph has been completely made by myself from scratch with UIToolkit. No GraphView dependency. :slight_smile:
The rest of the editor is also UIToolkit. I did a lot of IMGUI editor stuff before so UIToolkit is really a blessing in this regards! :wink:

You may want to sell that too. There’s interest for that, given the experimental nature of GraphView and abandoned GraphTools Foundation package.

Curious, how are you drawing those lines? Probably a custom element but … the drawing of lines. If I had to guess I’d say the low-level “GL” like drawing API but other than that I’m clueless as to how to render such lines in the editor or onto UI Toolkit without GraphView.


Just yesterday I made a quick window with a couple buttons. Creating the GUI was at most 15 minutes total and the only code was hooking up the callback methods, and cleaning up the default generated mess. Maybe 5% of the time was spent on the GUI, as it should be! :slight_smile:

Yes that’s an interesting idea. Definitely something to look into.

Ha! I cheated a bit regarding the lines :smile: Those are actually IMGUI elements using the ImmediateModeElement which allows me to draw Handles.DrawBezier :wink:

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Handles! Of course! :slight_smile:

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New Update 1.3 is now available.
The latest update now allows to view custom editors, like my node editor (which is an additional add-on), and fields directly in the Unity inspector.

I’m thrilled to share some exciting updates about Databrain, as a lot has been happening behind the scenes!

Databrain 2.0
We’re happy to announce that Databrain version 2.0 is now available at the Asset Store!
This version includes the Logic add-on by default, with the pricing adjusted accordingly. As a result, the standalone Logic add-on will be deprecated soon. If you already own the Logic add-on, please remove the Logic folder from the Databrain.Add-Ons folder before updating.

New Add-on: Dialogue

We’re also introducing the Dialogue add-on, which is also available now! This tool allows you to easily create dialogues using Databrain, powered by the node editor. Stay tuned for more details about this exciting feature!

Complete Bundle

Many of you have been asking for it, and we’re excited to announce that the Databrain Complete Bundle is now available as well! This bundle includes the core Databrain package along with all available add-ons. Purchasing the complete bundle will save you 20% compared to buying the packages individually, and even more if you catch it on sale!

Progress Add-on

Last but not least, the Techtree add-on is being replaced by the new Progress add-on, which is essentially a rework of the Techtree system. In Progress, research nodes are now DataObjects themselves, allowing you to create custom research nodes with unique data. The graph editor has been completely reworked as well.