I just bought it since I didn’t know where I can put the voucher. Unfortunately I don’t have time to try it out the next couple of days. I will give you some feedback as soon as I can.
Hi. It seems like DebugGraphs can easily handle displaying more than one graph on the same canvas (Not sure what it’s called but I will go with that name). A deal breaker feature for me is displaying multiple canvases of graphs as well. I need to show lots of data and it’s impossible to see all of them in the same canvas.
Is it possible or would you plan to implement this in near future?
Hi Can-Baycay!
It is true that DebugGraphs can display more than one graph in one canvase. And I don’t plan add feature to display more than one canvases with different graphs…
Hi Sam,
I’m currently testing DebugGraph for review. It does what it advertise however there is a major problem preventing me to use it in real way. If i open graph window and slows down the Unity Editor. I believe that you can fix this issue so im here to discuss and get it solved. I’m on Unity 5.6.1p3 on macOS Retina.
Please advise
Hello JohnGate, do you have slows down the Unity Editor in play mode or this happens always? I tested DebugGraph on Windows (Unity 5.6.1f1) and everything works as expected… I’m sorry but I can’t test it on macOS
May be some one in this thread have macOS Retina too, I have one vaucher and can send it for testing…
It only slows down when i show dialog window, if i hide it it becomes fine too.
The only Reason i can think of it is because of Retina Display.
If you could find a macOs tester near you, that’d be great
I just bought the asset and it works well. My comments
One thing is that you cannot zoom close enough into the graph with the mouse wheel for small values.
The graph is plotted in the given colors. But when the rendering of the data points is enabled they are in a different color, which is really confusing. I use red, green and blue for x, y and z values of a vector.
Please change the russian comments into english.
As a feature could you also make to add values by selecting them in the inspector instead of adding per code?
You might consider uploading with a newer Unity version.