The Dialogue System for Unity – seen in Yes, Your Grace: Snowfall, Eternights, Disco Elysium, Deathbulge, and many more games – is 50% off in the Asset Store’s Cyber Monday Sale. So if you missed it in the Black Friday sale, you still have a chance to get it at a great price!
The Dialogue System for Unity has a powerful built-in dialogue editor. But it can also import from many formats, such as articy:draft, Arcweave, Yarn Spinner, Twine, and more, in case your writers don’t want to get into the Unity editor to write dialogue and quests. Another excellent dialogue editor is Chat Mapper. In fact, the Dialogue System’s internal data structure is based on Chat Mapper since the Dialogue System started life back in 2013 as a Unity front-end for Chat Mapper content. Through today only, you can get Chat Mapper Pro for 50% off:
Thank you to everyone who’s bought a Dialogue System license in the Cyber Week Sale and to all longtime Dialogue System users, too!
Over the next week, I’ll share some daily tips: a new user tip, an intermediate tip, and an advanced or obscure tip.
Today’s Tips:
New User Tip: Use forward slashes (/) to group your conversation titles, actor names, and quest names into submenus for easy selection. Use periods (.) to group variable names. For example, if you title your conversations:
Intermediate Tip: To visually group dialogue entry nodes, lasso the nodes with the mouse (click and drag a rectangle around the nodes) and hold Ctrl while releasing the mouse button. Right-click the heading to rename or delete the group, or to change its background color. Drag the heading to move the entire group around the canvas.
Advanced Tip: You can specify a custom dialogue entry field to export with your Voiceover Scripts. Use this field to track the voice recording status of each entry. For example, if you use a Boolean field you can set it true when the voiceover has been recorded. If you use a text field, you can set it to more detailed values such as “not recorded”, “mock-up audio”, and “final audio”. You can even use a Custom Field Type.
Some tips didn’t make it over here onto Discussions, but you can always get them on Bluesky or Twitter. Catching up the missed tips:
Dialogue System Tips - Day 2
New User Tip: On the forum (Pixel Crushers Forum - Index page) search for “HOWTO” plus a question for dozens of helpful how-to guides to common Dialogue System questions.
Advanced Tip: Importing from other sources? You don’t have to bring up the importer window every time. Just click the dialogue database’s Reconvert button to quickly run the entire import process.
Intermediate Tip: Use the Dialogue Editor’s Database > Export Database > Proofreading format to export your database to a plain text format useful for proofreading, such as running it through a spell checker or Grammarly, then reimport to update your database.
Advanced Tip: The Dialogue Editor has keyboard shortcuts! Use them to speed up your writing. You can also double-click a node to enter dialogue text directly on the node instead of clicking into the Inspector view’s Dialogue Text field.
New User Tip: Tip: Set the Dialogue Manager’s Other Settings > Debug Level to Info for detailed activity logs. See which GameObjects are in conversations, Conditions results, etc.
Intermediate Tip: Make your C# variables & methods available in conversations’ Conditions and Script fields by registering them with Lua. Get/set C# variables, run skill checks, etc. Example: How To: Connect C# Variables to Dialogue System’s Lua
Advanced Tip: Conversations will use the MainCamera by default. Assign a different camera/prefab to the Dialogue Manager’s Sequencer Camera field if you want to use different post-processing effects during conversations such as strong depth of field.
Intermediate Tip: Avoid “ghost” *.meta files that keep reappearing in version control by removing *.unitypackage from your ignore files (e.g., .gitignore), or remove the unitypackages from the Third Party Support folders.
Advanced Tip: Using Addressables? To set assets’ Keys to match their filenames instead of entire filepaths, put them in a Resources folder. Select them all & tick Addressable. Unity will move them out of Resources & set their Keys to their filenames. Super helpful for entrytags.
Intermediate Tip: Switch to Outline mode to reorder conversations, perform mass operations, or use a Neverwinter Nights/Dragon Age-style outline editor:
Intermediate Tip: Use the Templates section to add custom fields to different asset types in your dialogue database. You can even define your own field types.
The Dialogue System for Unity – and the Dialogue System Addon for Generative AI, which makes a great companion – are both 50% off right now in the New Year Sale!
Lots of great Dialogue System-powered games are also on sale on Steam right now, including:
Congrats to first-time developer Sunset Visitor on their hit game 1000xResist, made with the Dialogue System for Unity, rated Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam, and on several “Best of 2024” Lists, including IGN, GameSpot, Metro, PC Gamer, and more.
The Dialogue System for Unity is 50% off right now in the New Year Sale.
Hi Tony, I have a question. In visual novels, it’s common for a click to fully display the current dialogue (instead of advancing to the next one). Is it possible to achieve this in Dialogue System? Thank you!
The Dialogue System for Unity, Addon for Generative AI (OpenAI/ChatGPT, ElevenLabs, etc.), Quest Machine, and Love/Hate are all 50% off in the New Year Sale!
If your New Year’s resolution this year is to turn that story idea that’s in your head into a game, you can get the tools that power games such as Disco Elysium, 1000xRESIST, Yes Your Grace: Snowfall, and others for half price. And if your cart totals $120+, use code NYS24 at checkout for an extra 10% off everything.
The Dialogue System, Addon for Generative AI (OpenAI/ChatGPT, DeepVoice, ElevenLabs, etc.), Quest Machine, and Love/Hate are all 50% until 8 AM PST on January 10. Make sure to check out before then to get the assets at half price.
Reminder: If your cart totals $120+, use code NYS24 at checkout for an extra 10% off everything.
If you’re getting the Dialogue System, Quest Machine, and Love/Hate (or any combination thereof), there’s an integration video tutorial series: