[RELEASED] Easy HDR SkyLight - Film & AAA quality HDR Lighting

ReleasedGet the Asset Here

12 New HDRs coming as well as going back to full price of 14.99!
Update is in review with Unity, if you buy it today you get the update free.
And the Asset at the Launch Price
10 All New Unity 5 Lighting environments !
Check out the video:

These HDR SkyLights are designed to make your models and scenes look amazing. From my personal collection of HDR images used in 15 years of Visual Effects, Games, and Virtual Reality.

Normal jpg, png, and Tif Skyboxes will not give you these results.

I designed this pack to give you the best results quickly with as little work for you as possible. Have you seen those amazing images of scenes lit with complex lighting in AAA games and Films? This is how they do it. Each image is a 13 EV exposure HDR that has been specifically calibrated for Unity 5.

Just Drag the Skybox material into the background of your scene and let unity 5 do the rest.

Be sure and turn on the HDR camera switch and use tone mapping for best results. Both are included as part of Unity 5 and the demo scenes here.

Compatible with Skyshop, Unity 5 Lighting, and Shader Forge.

Note: demo scenes do use the Unity Standard Assets Image Effects. This is a free asset that is installed with your copy of unity. The tone map and HDR effects are specifically used. In order to avoid a dependency loop you need to import that into your project separately from Import Packages : Standard Assets : Image Effects

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I have your asset in my cart to buy, just thought I’d mention, a better image on the Unity Asset store would do your project better, at least I think there should be antialiasing on the objects in the image.



After Importing that asset to an existing Unity 5.02 project it reports:

Assets/Standard Assets/Effects/ImageEffects/Scripts/Tonemapping.cs(9,32): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `PostEffectsBase’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

Sorry why this happens with a commercial asset…

No support: by clicking on “Support Email” within the asset store, nothing happens… what is your support email adress?

However, how we get that asset running in Unity 5.x?

Thanks for a quick support.


Hi roman,
That’s a standard unity shader that ships with unity 5. You can import it by going to import packages: image effects (or something very close to that, I’m on my cell phone so I can’t be 100% on spelling)

I didn’t include that script in the package because I didn’t want you to be dependent on something that can change with your install version of unity. If I included it and unity changed the version it would be a conflict.

It’s on my list, I do agree with you and I plan to update that on the next release along with several new HDR files.

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I really feel like buying this asset just to fix that retarded feedback left by some noob who should never of installed Unity.

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I just submitted v1.5 to the Asset Store, it takes unity a few days to approve it. This update adds 12 new HDRs shot around the world just for this package. The price will also return to the full price of $14.99. So you have till they approve it to get this at the discount launch price as well as future updates for free.

I did double check are move all the Standard Asset dependancies I could find, so now you have to add the tone map shader manually to the camera prefab.


Could you, please, include some documentation in this asset or give us some link in unity documentation to better to use it for our scenes?. In your video I see a character in a realistic environment but it´s an skyshop and the character can’t move in it, and I don’t know how to use this to improve the scenes with my own characters. I’m new in Unity and I have no idea on how to manage lights or reflections to improve my scenes. Would it be posible, please, to get more info or documentation -or the steps in order to follow- to get more realistics scenes or graphics?. Thank you :slight_smile:

Is your scene indoors or outdoors? That effects how you handle the sky.

In order to get the lighting, you drag the sky material into the lighting tab’s Enviroment Lighting “Skybox” setting

I found the option to actívate HDR and I changed the skyboxes, but can’t find the way to change reflections in objects like you do in the objects of your scenes. Is it using shaders?. I can’t find any info about refraction probes or how to assign them to a material or an object. Thank you

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Just add a single reflection probe and the reflections pop to life as long as you are using the Standard unity material shadier.

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I’ve seen another assets to use and test reflections, and I think I’ll give them a try. After that I’ll use your asset again with characters and testing lights and reflections on them. Thank you :smile: