Need an easy way to write down notes while working? Tired of trying to keep track of all your paper notes? Easy Notes can help you with all of that.
Easy Notes is a user-friendly extension that helps you be more productive and organized by allowing you to write down notes directly in Unity.
With Easy Notes you can easily leave comments for your team members, or messages for your future self so you don’t forget what you were working on.
Attach notes directly to game objects for easy future reference. This makes it very fast to find the game object a note is talking about.
Add tags to your notes in order to make them easy to search through later.
Are you the kind of person that likes to sort things with colors, no worries. You can customize the background color of any note you want.
Any feedback is of course very welcome. If you have questions you don’t want to ask on the forum, do not hesitate to contact us.