[RELEASED] Enviro - Sky and Weather (Dynamic Sky and Weather System)

Enviro - The complete dynamic AAA sky and weather solution!

Very easy setup:
Just drag-and drop into your scene and assign your main camera or use the runtime assignment features.

Profile System:
Enviro’s new profile system makes tweaking your sky as easy as possible. Tweak settings in runtime and save to profile. Load profiles in design and runtime. Create different profiles for different scenes or share your configurations with other user.

Day-Night cycle:
Enviro supports a realistic day-night cycle. With correct sun and moon positions with full location support with latitude and longitude. You have options to use your system time or let enviro update time based on realtime minutes.

Enviro includes an advanced fast atmospheric skybox shader to get great looking skies! You got a lot of options to tweak the sky and even can setup funky alien skies!

Enviro will realisticly light your scene based on sun altitude. You have complete control over light intensity and color by modifying curves and gradients right in editor! You also can choose between different ambient light modes of course.

Enviro will change seasons and got a components to swap out gameobject, materials and textures of unity terrain. You are not limited to realistic settings! You can set the amount of days each season last.

Enviro new volumetric cloud system is based on latest cloud rendering papers. These will bring you sky to life and offer plenty options to customize. In addition there are also fast flat clouds options to mix or use for maximum performance.
Note: No fly-through at the moment. Planned for later update!

Volumetric Lighting:
Need some volume light effects you see in AAA games? No problem, enviro support volumetric lihting for directional, point and spot lights out of the box!

Need stunnishing looking fog? Enviro includes an advanced light scattering fog image effect with distance, height and sky fog support. Need fog on your transparent material? No problem, with only a few lines of code you could modify your own transparent shaders to be fogged correctly. And a few particle and transparent shaders already included to get you started!

Enviro includes a very powerfull weather system. You can create your own weather types and drive light, sky, fog and clouds. Enviro supports all kind of unity shuriken particle effects to give you the freedom to create any weather effect you can think of. It includes 11 premade weather types including: Clear Sky, cloudy, raining, stormy, snowy and foggy weather. You can enable lightning storms and choose different ambient and weather sounds for each weather with smooth transitions.

Virtual Reality:
Enviro supports multi and singlepass stereoscopic rendering! Tested on Oculus Rift.

Enviro support UNet, Mirror and Photon out of the box. It will synchronize time and weather with all your players. Enviro also got an minimal mode for headless servers to only calculate time and weather but nothing more.

That’s not all! Enviro includes a lot more great features:

  • Event system for you game logic.
  • Weather Zones. Create as many zones with their own weather for your biomes.
  • Orbiting satellites.
  • Vegetation Growth.

And you can use a lot of awesome 3rd-party assets right of the box with the included enviro components:

* Gaia Compatible!
* CTS Integration!
* Pegasus Trigger!
* Playmaker Actions!
* Relief Terrain Shader Integration!
* UBER Shader Integration!
* MegaSplat Shader Integration!
* Lux Shader Integration!
* Photon Network Integration!


  • Support gamma and linear color space.
  • Support forward and deferred rendering.
  • Support for legacy and LWRP/URP 5+ render pipeline.
  • Working on DX9, DX11, DX12, OpenGlCore, Metal and Vulkan.
  • Volumetric Lighting requires at least shader-model 3.5+ and will be deactivated on DX9. Volumetric Lighting not supported in LWRP/URP yet.

Click here!

Need support?

If you got questions or feature requests, feel free to ask here!
For support please send a mail: vondox@live.de


do you have a utube video showing it please

I will create one later today, no problem :slight_smile:

Well I bought and downloaded the package but forgot to rename it to unitypackage and had a bit of a problem due to a misunderstanding on my part. The developer has now chnaged the download on selfy to a rar, however, if it opens as a .tar one need only rename the file from .tar to .unitypackage. No doubt those of you more upto date than I would know this anyway.

Rather a good asset and well worth the cost on selfy.

Hi, thanks for your purchase.
Sorry that it wasn’t clear how to handle the downloaded file. I corrected the download so you don’t need to rename it anymore :slight_smile:

Hi, does this have any conflict with TerrainComposer?

Hi, it works great with TerrainComposer. One thing to note is that Enviro doesn’t support builtinTerrainTrees in current version. But its on my todo list! So at the moment you would need to place vegetation with the ObjectPlacement of TerrainComposer.

ENVIRO got released in AssetStore!
Buy now!
Coming soon in Update 1.1:

  • Minor change in GrowthSimulation for better scale handling.
  • Support for ReliefTerrain Shaders.(Seasonal presets, dynamic snow and wetness).
  • EnviroSurface Shader! Set of shaders for dynamic snow and wetness on all your meshes!
    (Tesslation/AlphaCut/Transparent/Emission versions using Unity5 lighting)
  • EnviroPuddles! Dynamic puddles with own shaders using Unity5 lighting. (DepthBlend/Masked)

W.I.P webplayer showing new HQ-Shaders:
Click here…

Hi there,

would be interested but want to wait how you are going to implement RTP support and handling TerrainTrees.

Any ETA?

Thx in advance

Hi Wylaryzel,
I will send v1.1 to AssetStore the next week. At the moment i optimize the new shaders and update the documentation.
With 1.1 RTP is fully supported. You just need to add a script to your RTP Terrain and define the RTP presets for the different seasons. You create in RTP one preset for summer one for fall and so on. Dynamic snow and wetness is handled by the weather system you can define the wetness and snowiness for each weatherpreset you created. When its start to rain or snow it will raise the wetness and snowstrenght slowly for your RTP Terrain.
About TerrainTrees:
I already checked out how to implement this but came to the conclusion that it would be a mess to setup a lot of different trees and you also loose the exact controll of each tree instance you have with the prefab based system ENVIRO uses. With current system i create a new tree in less than two minutes and can adjust the settings like growspeed, scale and age easy and fast. With Object painting tools (like “Prefab Brush” free on assetstore) it is easy to paint these trees onto your terrain and you can adjust the settings for each tree easy and fast. So at the end you loose controll and comfort using TerrainTrees over prefab based trees with ENVIRO.

If you got more questions or need more information how ENVIRO works and if its the right product for your project feel free to mail me at vondox@live.de

Update 1.1 got released!


  • EnviroTerrainSeasons can handle normalMaps now if wished.
  • Smoother weather changes!
  • New Feature: EnviroWeatherShaders
  • New Feature: Enviro dynamic puddles with shader and ReflectionProbe script.
  • New Feature: Support for Relief Terrain Shaders (Dynamic wetness, snow and seasons with RTP Presets)
  • New Sample Scene and a GUI for changing time, weather and seasons.
  • Define the lenght of seasons in days.
  • Some minor fixes and improvements.

Does this asset, which looks great, support Playmaker with Playmaker actions etc? It would be revolutionary if it did!

Hi Duffer123,
at the moment there is no Playmaker integration. But I will look too add some Playmaker Actions in next update with some other changes to make ENVIRO even easier to implement and use.

Perfect. Watching closely… :wink:

Just want to inform you for incoming Update 1.3 features!

Surface Shaders:

  • rework of the surface shaders
  • added wetness to the mask
  • added Detail albedo and normal using one of the mask channels.
  • added Occlusion Maps


  • New advanced cloud shader faking volumetric clouds with nice lighting.
  • New mobile shader for clouds


  • Weatherpresets can be saved as prefabs now. Just copy a prefab, alter it and add it to the list to create a new weathertype!
  • Weather sfx fades smoothly in and out
  • Redone Weather Particle Effects
  • Lit Particle Shader


  • Easiest possible setup. Just drag and drop prefab and assign your player. Done!


  • Wizard to create growing vegetation to make this really easy and fast.
  • Playmaker integration

Two screenshots with new clouds:

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I finished with new update! Should be online in the next days.
I will update the documentation now too.


* Easiest possible setup. Just drag and drop prefab and assign your player. Done!
* Added some “Playmaker Actions” for setting and getting weather, time and seasons.
* New texture-based stars night sky

Surface Shaders:
* rework of the surface shaders
* added wetness to the mask
* added detail albedo and normal using one of the mask channels.
* added Occlusion Maps
* New advanced cloud shader faking volumetric clouds with nice lighting.
* New mobile shader for clouds
* Weatherpresets can be saved as prefabs now. Just copy a prefab, alter it and add it to the list to create a new weathertype!
* Weather SFX fades smoothly in and out.
* Lit Alpha-Blended Particle Shader
* Rework of all Particle Effects
new webplayer:

Update 1.3 is online now!
Please delete old package and reimport to get rid of old unneeded files! New documentation will follow soon.

New documentation and video is online!
Check it out :wink:

Is the part about “ambient light” in the documentation still valid? If so, does it control the “ambient intensity” and does it set the ambient mode to “color”?
I’m actually a bit surprised that this asset didn’t get any more attention, it seems like an extensive weather and time solution. I’m very tempted to try this out when I get to the stage where I’ll need a weather system.

Does Enviro use events (the C# kind) for seasons? Because I’d love to use it to take care of anything visual that’s based on seasons and the time of day. Think street lights, crops (as terrain vegetation), additional snow meshes for winter but also things like the Horizon[On] terrain changing with the season. That would make it possible for every user to extend the system for their use case. EDIT: Ah, woops, just saw that you have a season-sensitive GO swapper for that. But still, events could be useful for things where you wouldn’t want to swap entire prefabs/GO but rather change some other logic. Maybe also with events such as “snow” to only then replace water with ice, change footstep sounds, spawn snow meshes etc.

And, at last, a minor and a major comment on the visuals: The minor one is that the snow particles look cartoon-y, snow flakes that large aren’t a single crystal. The major one is that the clouds are very mediocre. It’s something I could live with for now, but I’m thinking this might be one of the main reasons why this asset isn’t being used more often.

As for which assets should probably be supported/tested for support on top of the ones you already do(in my opinion): Stix’ grass shader, Ceto and Horizon[On]

EDIT: Okay, I’m guessing it’s because the update was only a few days ago and it looks like a huge improvement.
By the way, are the seasons lerp-able? At least for the values that can be lerped such as colors.

the documentation for version 1.3 (linked in main post) is still valid but not finished yet. I will add more information in the next days. You can control the ambient intensity over the EnviroSky script. The “color” will be changed by the system based on time.

At the moment there are no C# events. But that’s a good idea to improve the system and will be added soon.
You can check the current time, season, weather conditions with a single line of code in your own scripts for now. For example (“EnviroMgr.instance.seasons.currentSeasons” for seasons) I will add a coding section in the documentation soon.

For snow and wetness: You can define the maximum snowiness and wetness in each weather preset. The system will lerp this values over time to get a smooth transition from dry to wet for example. You also can check this values with a single line of code in your scripts.

About the visuals: The snow effect when near to camera is cartoonish indeed^^ The effects using Shuriken Particle Systems. You can easily swap out the texture. I may change this to a more realistic in the next update (1.3.2)
The clouds got a major overhaul in last update.

About the assets you mentioned. I doesn’t own a copy of these at the moment and can’t test. I may buy a license of some of them and add a proper integration in future.

About the lerping of seasons: The system just change seasons based on days (You can define how many days each season lasts) The season components can just activate/deactivate gameobjects, swap materials or textures(terrain). Only the “Relief Terrain Shaders” components lerp smoothly between seasons. Its a feature of the shader itself to lerp between presets.

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