[RELEASED] Enviro - Sky and Weather (Dynamic Sky and Weather System)

Oh, that’s awesome! haha, much easier than what I was trying to do.Will do it right now then :).

About the UTC offset from coordinates… no luck there, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey @Vondox -

I’ve got my eye on a few volumetric cloud features that I’d like to get timelines on. If they are unplanned or too far out, totally okay, just want to get a roadmap so we can figure out alternate plans.

  • Flying above/through volumetric clouds. I’m mainly interested in clouds intersecting/overlapping with mountain tops in the distance.

  • Cloud lighting from below. Right now the variation in angle of lighting incidence on the volumetric clouds is very small. Ideally it would better match the directional light. For instance, when the sun sets, there is a time when the clouds are actually underlit.

Also, regarding water reflection of the sky, like I said, the Lux integration doesn’t include reflection. I don’t own Aquas and it looks a bit much feature wise, but it’d be good to know if people have successfully reflected the sky with it.

Sorry this feature is not planned right now.

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“- Flying above/through volumetric clouds. I’m mainly interested in clouds intersecting/overlapping with mountain tops in the distance.”

Will be added in 2.2 update. I already started to work on this.

“- Cloud lighting from below. Right now the variation in angle of lighting incidence on the volumetric clouds is very small. Ideally it would better match the directional light. For instance, when the sun sets, there is a time when the clouds are actually underlit.”

I can have a look into this. I am currently working on some more improvements about clouds lighting. But I can’t guarantee if I will add this in 2.1.3 already.

“Also, regarding water reflection of the sky, like I said, the Lux integration doesn’t include reflection. I don’t own Aquas and it looks a bit much feature wise, but it’d be good to know if people have successfully reflected the sky with it.”

Hm, it should reflect the skybox just fine when reflections enabled in Lux Water. Only volume clouds need some modification in reflection code from Lux Water right now. But I can help you with that.

Hi Vondox,

When enabling Fox Voume3 integration, it generates lots of compiler errors, while I’m certain that FogVolume3 (3.4.1) is enabled and even used in the scene. What am I doing wrong?

Unity 2018.2.3, Enviro Sky Manager 2.1.2, Fog Volume 3.4.1

Also: Could you give some pointers how to integrate LuxWater?

Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(53,35): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetEnviroComponents' and no extension method `GetEnviroComponents' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(72,49): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `EnviroCloudSettings' and no extension method `EnviroCloudSettings' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(74,42): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `EnviroCloudConfig' and no extension method `EnviroCloudConfig' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(82,45): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `EnviroCloudSettings' and no extension method `EnviroCloudSettings' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(95,64): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `EnviroTime' and no extension method `EnviroTime' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(104,68): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetPlayer' and no extension method `GetPlayer' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(104,153): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetPlayer' and no extension method `GetPlayer' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(108,65): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetPlayer' and no extension method `GetPlayer' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(108,147): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetPlayer' and no extension method `GetPlayer' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(164,63): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetCamera' and no extension method `GetCamera' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(164,111): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetCamera' and no extension method `GetCamera' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(164,166): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetCamera' and no extension method `GetCamera' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(215,63): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetCamera' and no extension method `GetCamera' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(215,111): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetCamera' and no extension method `GetCamera' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(215,166): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetCamera' and no extension method `GetCamera' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(300,63): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetCamera' and no extension method `GetCamera' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(300,123): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetCamera' and no extension method `GetCamera' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(376,29): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetCamera' and no extension method `GetCamera' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(377,55): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetCamera' and no extension method `GetCamera' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/3rd Party Integrations/FogVolume3 Integration/EnviroFogVolumeIntegration.cs(380,38): error CS1061: Type `EnviroSkyMgr' does not contain a definition for `GetCamera' and no extension method `GetCamera' of type `EnviroSkyMgr' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Enviro - Sky and Weather/Core/Scripts/EnviroSkyMgr.cs(6,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)

Is it possible that you can help me intergrate to this? GitHub - RevenantX/LiteNetLib: Lite reliable UDP library for Mono and .NET

Hello, sorry for this issue! I have send you an hotfix for fog volume 3 integration in private conversation.

To enable the support in Lux Water you have to open the LuxWater_Setup.cginc file and uncomment the two enviro lines. Also comment the default fog support line at the top.

Hello, I am currently busy finishing the 2.1.3 update. But we can have a look into this next week. Please send me your discord or skype user in private conversation and I will add you.

Yes, thank you. I already saw it in the LuxWater documentation. My bad.

I haven’t had a lot of time to look into Enviro much since I bought it, but I was struggling a little bit when I did use it a couple of weeks ago. Is there any way to make the weather transitions more subtle? It seems like whenever there is a transition it rushes through to the end, for example, going from no clouds to very cloudy you would expect to take quite a bit of time as it transitions from a to b, where as it seems to happen over a couple of seconds. I noticed in the demos I have seen of Enviro that is often how it is shown as well. Is there anyway I can change how long it takes to transition between the different weather types? Thanks

Hi, you can set the transition speeds in “Edit Profile” → “Weather” category. (lower values = slower).

here is my id: Skiller#6252

Hi, Just bought your asset. Downloaded, opened demo scene, hit play, and any time I try to use the UI to control time of day etc, exception errors are generated. Here are some of them:

Just wanted to make you aware, and I will investigate to see where the issues are.

Hi, please click on the “Enviro Sky Manager” object and add an instance. More information in documentation found in Enviro - Sky and Weather folder.

I also will have a look and add a null check to demo UI Script later, so thanks for your report.

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Hi, thanks for the pointer. I had a manager leaning over my shoulder wanting to see the asset asap hence going straight in. Can confirm that after reading docs (sorry!) all is working as expected! Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi, thanks for the response. I’ve had the values as high as 1 and as low as 0.001 in the weather transition settings in the enviro profile and the transition still only lasts a couple of seconds no matter what value I set it to. It seems like changing these values has no effect. I feel like I’ve got to be doing something wrong but I can’t see what.

Hi, do you changed it in profile directly or in “Enviro Sky Instance” → “Edit Profile” → “Weather” category. If you change values in profile directly you need to load in the values to your instance by click on “Load from Profile”. Please check the included documentation for more information.

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@Vondox your assets would not be better in a dll due to the limitation of 4 go
Bug: 4GB limit to Textures in standalone build page-5#post-4581937

Hi, did you know if there is a way to reduce the wind transition speed ?
When I go from storm to clear sky the transition is brutal.

Hi, wind intensity transition speed slider already added in 2.1.3. I try to release update this week, sorry that I am behind my release date again, but some nice new stuff will be in 2.1.3. :wink:

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